I thought the man I was working one on one with , who was soooo nice was helping me set up online banking , which is what he said , but in reality he was going into my account taking money out which he said they were not gonna do unless I signed up for the classes at a later date. I went to the interview and we just hire anyone. He also deceived the new Primerica representative, telling her that he was helping her and teaching her how to recruit people into her downline, only to keep some of the recruits for himself. The conversation gets deep, takes philosophical turns. Conversation went out and he tells me he likes my personality in which Ive been told many times over. 1 PRIMERICA PARKWAY DULUTH, GA 30099-0001 UNITED STATES . During that same time period, 243,167 of their licensed reps also left the opportunity. I was brainwashee by Islam and than when finally was free away from and than this so called god/family/business cult comes along Oh how sorry i am for my 10 years of life Similar situation to how I found about this market a couple days after Christmas. They allow an objective summary of the facts. I basically got the same answers I received from the man at Target again. The man told me he was a head hunter and had seen my resume on Career Builders. Something about honesty. My experience started with responding to them through Zip Recruiter. I asked who the person was that referred me and the lady laughed and then said a name, and i did know someone named that but i hadnt talked to him in a year. I will not be following up with PFS. Its such bull do do guys. They went through my Finances and sorted them all out and gave me a plan to pay everything off in a pretty cool schedule/plan. She asked a few questions about my past work experience as well. Understanding The Tier-11 Membership Of Primerica Whats this guys deal anyway? I hope theu chok on those miions $ they made when we went public . Brokerage Firm Regulated by FINRA (Atlanta district office) IA. Nothing! I dont see any suggestion there that newbies may expect six-figure earnings? This is a good money maker for Primerica and the finance industry in general- all on the backs of reps. After reading these comments I can say I will not be showing up Wednesday at 6:15 for my interview. How fun. First red flag for me is on LinkedIn. He didnt even walk me to the door, shake hands with me, give me a business cardnothing! I had really lost interest by the time he had gotten to the bottom of the first page. What a crappy thing to give your life to. Aww. I am left feeling overly annoyed. (within the next 5 years) There is no selling of opportunity because all we do is find out what peoples dreams and goals are in life (youve got to know what they are first) give them a game plan and tell them to act on it. New recruits today have to work much harder than recruits of 10 years ago to be successful and you have to be willing to push right to the limit of your ethical convictions to do it and the lines can get pretty blurred. A person with certain negatives in their background cannot work in the industry. Now what?! The hard sales pitch, corporato-cult speak, and grandiose promises are like a jackhammer to my sodden, achey head. So we exchanged numbers and that was that. Just went through class. Talking on the phone isnt my strong suit so I just kept agreeing to everything and she was very busy but still managed to schedule an interview for later this week. Tameka All insurance agencies are NOT pyramids. He then mentioned that my job was a pyramid, and asked if it would ever be possible to get to the top in my company to which I responded, ABSOLUTELY!!! And they didnt even give me a heads up. The first level is the office or team level, the second level is the agents who work for the office/team. I had a bad feeling so I googled the address. Many years ago, I got a call at work from a Primerica recruiter. This did not yet trigger any alarms for me as I had interviewed with a couple construction companies on that edge of town as well in similar accomodations. mail or store pick up. We hardly talked about me and my background. By the way, based on those 2.28 policies you sell all year, your commission will be maybe $300-$500, less all your expenses. I knew that kind of pushiness in indicative of something bad but I gave in anyway because like I said, I loved the couple and I really did like the financial planning part of the system. I could hear a party going on in the background and the aroma of delivered pizza hit my nose. I caved and spoke to her, trying to ask questions about the job but she was extremely vague and told me that she was having a training next week and invited me to come along. The first 20 minutes started normal. I googled the address and found out the companys name is Primerica Financial Services (I dont even think he told the name). NO, I was special and needed to join and they offered to pay my fee, the $99. He texted me his contact info after my ride and I noticed it said Primerica Inc. on it so I googled it to find out just exactly I was getting myself into. Primerica is an insurance company. (TWO not even 50 years old yet!) How in the world they got my resume in a snail mail environment is still a mystery. Answer (1 of 24): From my recent exploration of their compensation plan, they are very similar to the traditional broker/dealer -> agent model of insurance, real estate, and mortgage brokers. I was approached by a husband and wife in a Neighborhood WalMart store. If you want to sell insurance or investments, do it with a real company, not a scammy MLM. . Dont listen to the nonsense check out Primerica yourself! The dude ignored me completely. I ALWAYS check out a company before interviewing so after reading the above information, I gracefully declined the interview. My old coworker had me sit through a lecture for her (I thought I was just helping her) then he asked if I was interested. Are you looking for a Primerica review to determine if the insurance company is a scam, multi-level marketing company, or pyramid scheme? I eventually had to block my recruiters number, cancel my account and deactivate my online banking Plz anyone whose thinking of attending or believing what these people are trying to sell you, reconsider . The agent kept calling me for a congratulatory luncheon at a local Chinese buffet. I must be remembering wrong I tuned back in just in time to hear him say, well, have you ever heard of Citi? then pause. Probably found out that my family is not exactly poor. Probably would not have been any money in the retirement funds when people went to cash out. * Mercedes sells their cars at inflated prices, are you going to do an web post on them next? NOT TRUE!!! It would be too painful to add up all the hours, dollars, and gas I had so far invested into this business. Once the new recruits, the professional-looking man and a scared-looking, awkward young guy who looked about 20 and was wearing ripped jeans and left on a bicycle, had left, John was photocopying the paperwork to put in the mailbag for tomorrow. BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. She the. They have my info and address and all kinds of info will they use it against me if I dont work for them? Anselm of Canterbury, this still goes on. 100,000 reps times $25 a month equals $2.5 million a month from its own employees., http://www.businessinsider.com/citigroup-primerica-ipo-2010-4. I asked for a job description. You dum assess are just to lazy to change the direction your lives are going so you stay working for toll plazas or write articles like this fat bitch. To the last comment, the most draining 2 months?? Im an extremely brutally honest person, so when he asked what was on my mind i told him the truth. I could do it but dabbling in ventures that call on questionable morals is not my thing. This affiliation between the two companies is one of the oldest partnerships inside the Primerica menu of products and is fairly popular. Thank you so much. Having professional licenses paid for by a company and given the tools and resources to build a book of business on a part or full time basis is a wonderful opportunity for the right people. But it is however a business opportunityand lets face it other insurance do not function internally much differently. After attending a couple of the information sessions myself. Its so much worse and you cant get you to six figures even if you work your ass off. ?, Dont you want enough money to rent a space for your classes? The only logically answer as to why this trend has been in effect for years is that Primerica must benefit from this tunover. * What is a pyramid scheme exactly? Primerica offers a variety of financial products and services to consumers through their nationwide sales force. I got referred to Primerica by a fellow friend of mine. Thanks to all who shared their experience. The place where we met was super creepy, also. That really put me off. Primerica has the BEST products for the least amount of money in the industry! Hopefully she has read all the history on this company and so on. After that she was with very little interest to meet again. I call in two weeks ago to get some assistance in lowering my policy, and I get the run around. I Googled the address and found out it was Primerica. This business is in a unmarked building near a woods, although that was scary enough I reasearched and found this. These MLM ventures seem to prey on the 9-5-ers making minimum wage with the promise of making a six-figure income. If I could teach that to others, that would be cool right? He kept messaging me even if i wouldnt give him a reply and somehow found my number and keeps contacting me. WHY DIDNT I GOOGLE IT??? Hence, the dance around questions began. Hmmm, makes you rethink a few things. What can I do to vanish that and get my money back, They will miraculously tell you that the mail has already left but i think you can get a partial refund if u push hard enough, Based on their Annual reports (which can be viewed online), the policies sold per rep currently averages out at 2.28 PER YEAR!!!!! He asked me for my number so that he may call me later, I provided it, and then after he decided to instead just ask me to come see him tomorrow. Im currently in the process of getting out of my tiered J-O-B and starting my own tiers separate and independent of my current J-O-B. Thank you for the heads up!!! I had to smile a shake my head every time I saw one of these unsuspecting people heading in. My parents make good money and know how to save. He handed me a flyer that said Primerica was waiving licensing and application fees for active duty and veterans in November 2018, but I cant find anything on it on the Primerica website. They use the classic BAIT and SWITCH for everything they do. It is not a MLM or they would have been charged and gone the way of most MLM. I went to the interview and I payed the $99 and they have all Generally in my experience, anything that seems too good to be true usually is. Split between two people working full-time, it really wasnt that impressive. Thank you to all those who contributed to this thread and I wish you all the best of luck in your job search! I told her the store and began to walk away until she stopped to ask me if I was currently employed. Time and again, we see these lies and unethical tactics used to lure people into Primerica. In public. Im no stranger to mlm. I had no desire to pursue such a career related to insurance, as I prefer investing. Personally I have been in the company for 4 months and I have seen what a scam it is. Two girls were there for the job too. One of their representatives came up to me as i was walking into Target. The new trainer gets nothing because he is not licensed yet. I personally am more of a tech guy, dealing with machines and stuff. I was livid but had to go along so as to get out of there. He told me to have a seat and that there was going to be a presentation. I started to say but I thought and my face must have conveyed my thoughts because he impatiently rolled his eyes and cut me off, lowering the mouthpiece slightly, look, were not supposed to, but Im here to run MY business and I know what gets results.. With currently over 90,000 representatives, Primerica may have reached that point. The company also restricts what you can and can not offer to people as well. He had a misdemeanor when he was younger and it affected him getting the position- so he said. Thanks for this website, now I know its a scam and Im calling off the interview!! You are describing practices that are barred from current procedures, and the law. Question for you, of those that dont do Primerica, what do you do? She starts explaining an elaborate scheme to sell insurance, basically, to poor people. So, with that experience under my belt, life goes on. I made a decent living $30,000, but its much harder than most people even imagine and it truly does require that you do oodles of prospecting. I asked her DO I NEED TO PAY ANYTHING TODAY, she said yes $140. As far as heightened prices if this is the case how is it that their clients save money on the services? The money received from the new recruits is used to pay off the . It all seemed a little odd since they are a financial company and nowhere in my background is there anything pertaining to finance. Before they hire you and you begin training (with no pay during this period) they will test your aptitude for this kind of work. Thanks for all the information. I have just cancelled my policy after 20 years because they increased my premium by 370%!!!! The stock in Avon has dropped as well, below $10 a share. A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of "investors." The initial promoters recruit investors, who in turn recruit more investors, and so on. Ha!!!! You say your husband someone to be in the office and is getting part of his earnings. Yes, but for other areas, not recruiting. I also heard the leadership bit. You need to pay 99.00 for a background check and need my sos and license. Hello Tracey, Wake up people, youre just blind ?! He said he wasnt interested and she stopped him by saying that she wouldnt take no for an answer and proceed to schedule to come over to explain the details of her opportunity, we exchanged numbers and walked away since my husband was annoyed with the lady already, we bolted from the store and went home to google the name that i had seen on her sweater and we came across this post, after reading all of the comments my husband txt the lady to tell her that he was not interested in what she was offering and she responded with like three emails back to back insisting that she come over with her husband to explain to us what they do, since she was so vague at the store. Well, no touchdown today for you, Primerica! Also, there is nothing on my LinkedIn profile that indicates I have any financial talent. I got a call today. I was supposed to be intervied by Anthony, i wasnt. She also said if I fit for the position I would need to plan on staying longer to go over more information. those guys are motherfu***** i went to the interview and i interviewed with a guy but he was so suspicious though, when he asked me for a 99$ but it should be on a bank account not cash( so they can steal my infos) but when i told him i dont have any money on me now he seemed Confounded and annoyed and there was three girls sitting on the other table they kinda laughed when i said i dont have the money, and so he immediately ended the convo and said i can come back tomorrow and give him the money and i said okay great cuz i actually believed him he was so convenience but and thank god i didnt have money on me cuz if i had i would give all my infos but thank god i didnt give him anything and so he ended the convo right away cuz in my opinion he knew that i would go back home and look up the company name and i will find this post and so i will never come back and give him anything and thats exactly what happened and thank god ive read this post this author is genius thank you so much screw those guys. It would be nice if the government would step in and help protect the people who dont have the sense to see these for what they are. To all you haters and doubters Primerica is NOT a business for sheeple it is a bonafide business opportunity that requires hard work many people cant do it thats why the rewards are so great if you persist! Our conversation goes all over the place like before. I had been suckered before into going to an interview for what turned out to be a door-to-door sales job, so I was wary of this one. She asked me the most useless questions ever, such as, How do you want to be treated if you work here? She was also unable to give me specific details about the position I was interviewing for. I was thinking it was odd that I still didnt know the name of the company. We are not a scam and there are no fake interviews. It wasnt until i read all the posts on this blog that i truly realized i was being bent over that corner desk of his because so much of it made sense. In legal terms, the answer is no. Easy. Once he started pitching me it was all very clear why. We had a small conversation and she claimed she liked my personality and gave me her card. I am so tired of these scammers connecting with you and then giving you a sales pitch. It is about the education of it all isnt it? I, too, have an interview for tomorrow that I doubt Ill go to now! He kept giving me all these big numbers and saying how easy it would be and blah blah blah and all I could think was if it sounds too good to be true, it definitely is. Still, my poor, broke self held onto the hope that it might be legit. And since the beginning things felt off. Clearly if one can do that for another, one should be able to pocket a nice income Once she quit her little dissertation on the gap between the upper class and middle class and how the middle class can become upper class with our help, she told us to wait as she brought in the guy who had written the review for the company (5 stars. Oh Boy. Almost made it, but nope! In addition, how Im going to have to pay $99 for license + $25 utilities (no other job makes me do this?). Since it was scripted, I never got a chance to really speak about what my views are and what I look for in a position as well as my strengths. He hasnt paid in 3 months! They particularly seem to prey on unemployed, with a get rich pitch. Multi-level marketing is not entrepreneurship. Reading that it is a Citibank subsidiary was a surprise; that products and services are not the best value is in direct contradiction of what was said as I recall. $99 fee was mentioned. If it was cost-neutral, why bother recruiting in the first place? I actually figured out it was Primerica a few minutes later when I actually sat to think about it. Primerica Financial Services is a multi-level marketing company that sells life insurance and investments. When you feel the need to bully someone like that, there is something lacking in you. I ended up seeking out one of the young men and telling him I was there for an interview with Mr. Blah Blah. Pyramids are illegal and would NOT be listed on the NYSE. After reviewing those comments I will not be going for and interview. Still, barely any information given. End of recruiting. Given my lack of experience, I was not sure if this was normal or not. 2.) Once again, most people need financial help to get where they want to be. I dont dismiss this reality that commissions in a MLM organization are necessarily lower than those one would earn in another sales setting. They are legal, but unethical. They did not respond to my email but hopefully they do not call me further. About 20 minutes later I received a phone at my job stating his name was David. Hey guys I need some help I wish I saw this before the meeting but I just got home from it. Fact remains if you had joined the Primerica team and never reached any level of success you were probably not even trying and waiting for something to be given to you. If someone approaches you with any opportunity of any sort, and they are not willing to divulge the name of the company, then run as fast as you can! Puffing up a business opportunity does not translate into real business skill. Our two conversations over the phone were all about me my background, who I was, what I was looking to do he barely said anything about what he was offering, just that he was interested in taking me on if I was the right person for a company that was looking to expand. I knew to avoid them but because of how fast she mumbled the name i didnt research. I made the mistake signing up thinking I was signing up for life insurance and trying to help a friend out that works for this company. She was pleasant and I was willing to pay the $99 up front and take the life insurance exam. Water, food, ever other necessity you can think of should not have to be provided to people at a cost. This was my first piece of evidence that what they were saying literally was not adding up. As for NFTs, exclusivity and FOMO run the gameeveryone wants in and where there are winners, there are losers. I gave him my phone number and when I asked him for a business card he said he did not have one and went on to talk about how he makes 3-4k a weekyeeeaaaah. I am saddened to see this website because the information given is totally inaccurate and people will listen to this guy instead of researching on the GOVERNMENT websites to see that Primerica is an amazing company! There are 125,000+ representatives so its safe to assume there are some bad apples. An hour and a half already? Suddenly it occurred to me, who knows what that really means in context. Look this up on Wikipedia, the very unusual and very unique model that Primerica uses. I asked what it was and he was kind of vague, but I humored him and said that I would be interested, as I am in the market for a part time job given the added expenses of my fathers death. My biggest issue with most of these posts is the fact that the reps are approaching people in random public places(i.e., work, grocery shopping, launder-mats, job seeking seeking sites, etc.) I raised my eyebrow, curious as to how he could explain that one away. I do believe my guy calls with an unknown number. What agencies would handle this kind of thing? She lost her job and became an easy target from a fast-talking recruiter that filled her head with a pipe dream. http://www.sequenceinc.com/fraudfiles/2013/02/is-multi-level-marketing-a-legitimate-business-method/. Also they said they would need to talk to my parents, remember Im a student in school so maybe it might of been valid for parental consent, but to me this was bit fishy as this may have been a way for them to start getting business off me. promote propaganda and sob stories of people getting shafted out of their whole life or group life insurance as a scare tactic. Just a bit of background I work as a sales floor employee at Lowes so I was pretty skeptical to begin with. Wow, I have an interview set for this Tuesday, needless to say I will not be going to it! and there was one review on the place, a 5-star rating with no comments added. My father passed away in May.