This came to be known as the Apollo 11 conspiracy. Flora mainly consisted of several species but was chiefly found in the cooler polar regions. What if they've contacted us already? So theyre taking their time to make themselves known by easing their way in to our psyches with friendly UFO sightings. Ebens is believed to. If Yoda came from any one of thealienspecies on this list, it would probably have been this one. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) UFO Whistleblower Karl Wolfe Killed in Mysterious Accident, Stephen Hawking's Last Warning: Superhumans May Conquer Humanity, Expediting the Disclosure Process; How to Submit a FOIA Request, Antibiotic Resistance is Becoming a Major Threat to Humanity, Victims of CIA's MKUltra Mind Control Program Are Fighting Back, FOIA Request Accidentally Provides Government Mind Control Files, Tech Start-Up Offers to Upload Clients' Consciousness to Computer, The Government Lifted Its Ban on Creating Deadly Super Viruses, The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists. The Ebens returned in July 1965 and picked up their passengers. The Ebens had bases on a nearby planet known as OTTO, but it was otherwise barren and lifeless. Well no planets have been found around Zeta Reticuli. This would take place at a secret base in New Mexico in April 1964. It appeared the two spacecraft had crashed into each other. February 27, 2023. The video below is an interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, researchers who discuss at length the Project Serpo. Secret Journey to . Dr. Steven Grier is another who voices similar opinions regarding alien life in human affairs. Their development was found to be necessary after the Grays mutated themselves through genetic experimentation to a point where they could no longer reproduce using conventional means i.ealiensex, and were only able to spawn new generations by cloning themselves. Ebben was raised along with her ten elder siblings in Shrewsbury, Boston, and loved every bit of it. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. To learn more about the documents addressing the Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program check out The Veil. Ronald Ebens was born on October 30, 1939, in Dixon, Illinois and raised in Oak Park, Michigan. You may opt-out by. Stephen Blease-4 March 2023. According to NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin wandered the moon for three hours, conducting experiments and collecting moon rocks. The 12 American astronauts prepared to embark on their adventure, but for some reason, the exchange got postponed. The remains of the craft and one living ET, along with the bodies of his four dead companions, were taken to Roswell for analysis. However, they are not blond, but UGLY-LOOKING INSECTS. The Handshake In Space The Apollo-Soyuz Project. The Ebens wished to retrieve their fallen pilots. It's kinda scary aliens know more about us than we do about ourselves. It is one of the many featuring insight from Len Kasten, speaking in 2016. Something that we here onEarthare having a little trouble balancing out. Physical Appearance: These ALIENS CAN IMITATE HUMANS. Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type: Is humanity ready to know the truth? Try A Different OS, Get Vaccinated? He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. Between November 2005 and April 2006 information was leaked about a project that involved the exchange of ambassadors with the inhabitants of the planet Serpo, which revolves around one of the two stars of the Zeta Reticuli Rhomboidalis constellation. The channel that brought you Sharknado has turned their sights to the stars for a two-hour documentary special, Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed, and ET has your exclusive first look! The Apollo missions, one of which led to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrins iconic first landing, are some of the most profound accomplishments of mankind. From this genetic cross-over the universe was blessed with an entirely new type of being; the Sassani who in a way are like our interstellar cousins. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. We have written before of the apparent secret talks between President Eisenhower and various aliens races in the 1950s. One day on Eben lasted 40 hours as opposed to our 24. We know them as the Reptilians. Reagan mentioned his belief in UFOs and his high regard for Steven Spielberg from time to time. Their daily lives would revolve around the movement of the central sun!. Just outside of Marquette, the Eben Ice Caves are one of Michigan's prime winter attractions. Increase Website Performance With Three Metrics, Europe Is Lagging Behind In Developing Large AI Models, Deepfakes - The Danger Of Artificial Intelligence That We Will Learn To Manage Better, Overview Of How To Create Deepfakes - Its Scarily Simple, Ukrainian Startups Showing Resilience In A Time Of War, Worried That Your Phone Is Spying On You? According to the source, a technological device of the Ebens allowed these talks to proceed in English. During that time, they had many debriefings, which resulted in a 3,000 page report. If this 3-second Eben is fake it looks so real I'm sure it has . With the arrival this month of the . Some theorists believe the Ebens have had a long relationship with our planet, not to mention the people on it. Some individuals of both groups were better at it than others, Anonymous states. These revelations about our alien overlords might not cost you any sleep. However considering that were the reason that they cant come up for a breath of fresh air. Ronald Ebens, the man who killed Vincent Chin, apologizes 30 years later Emil Guillermo After 30 years, the killer of Asian American icon Vincent Chin told me in an exclusive interview that the murder known as a hate crime, wasn't about race, nor does he ever even remember hitting Chin with a baseball bat. One particular of these alleged missions, however, stands out among the many. They were then given their own planet and allowed to roam free. The transcript of a President Ronald Reagan briefing by then CIA Director William Casey was discovered. Another celestial body in their system, Silus, provides mining for minerals key to their survival. They had taken with them food to last for more than two years, but when it ran out, they had to eat Eben food which they never learned to like. Ebens still owes $10 million to Chin's estate in a civil judgement against him.) Thousands of new images every day Completely Free to Use High-quality videos and images from Pexels. Where they are said to still reside today in a network of complex underground tunnels. Theorists believe we've sent people off to live with the Ebens, which is only fair, given how much they've helped us out. Standing at up to 22 feet tall these bad-ass beings are made up of pure muscle. Project Serpo, according to the claims, would see a dozen human beings take part in an intergalactic exchange program! One where they would find themselves in another galaxy in the name of research and relations. Most of the time, white beans that are sold commercially, either as seeds or as a food product, are marketed under more specific names, such as navy beans, Great Northerns, or cannellini. Fars apparently got the story from a hard-core conspiracy site called The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. Ebens are said to be from the Zeta Reticuli star group. These theories are fueled by transcripts that have only been declassified within the past decade, or from NASA having lost documents and recordings of the original lunar landing. Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. The essential facts of the alleged secret document were extracted from a series of emails sent to an online UFO discussion group organized by a UFO enthusiast, Victor Martinez.. This does sound like a Utopian society taken straight out of the Star Trek universe. Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel. According to the anonymous source, the last surviving member of the mission died in 2002. Don's uncle claimed he could communicate telepathically with the EBENs, and said they had traveled to Earth from "outside our galaxy" to teach humanity about medicine and how to live in peace. Kiran Yasmin Military personnel learned that the survivor was a member of an alien race known as the Eben. However, communication would prove to be difficult, with many technical difficulties arising. Little is known about their lives since, except the last surviving one died in 2002. As a former employee of the CIA and contractor for the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden had access to some of the nation's most closely held secrets. Dried and used in southwestern and Mexican soups, stews, and chilis. Through the years, officials who are privy to this information have provided some acknowledgement that the reports are true. A possible explanation for this is that those Grays were slaves or servants to the Nordics as a Grays lack of empathy makes it an ideal butler. We desire it because the Anunnaki desire it. In 2007, the U.S. Library Of Congress deemed the film culturally, historically and aesthetically significant and chose it for preservation in the library for all time. Read the purported story of Project Serpo, then consider the evidence. He died on December 15, 1991 at 65 years old. For those new to the topic, the title of Spielbergs movie came from the UFO classification developed by astronomer and UFO researcher, J. Allen Hyneks Classification of UFO encounters: + Encounters of the first kind: Someone sees a UFO at a distance closer than 500 feet and is able to give a pretty good description of the object + Encounters of the second kind: The viewing of an UFO creates a physical sensation. Dialogues between worlds continued for another decade until a meeting was scheduled to take place in Alamogordo, New Mexico, in April 1964. Don said his uncle also witnessed an anti-gravity demonstration at Area 51, in which the EBENs used mind power to levitate metallic spheres. And is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Could there be any truth to this story? Required fields are marked *. During his bachelor party at a club on the night of June 19, Chin and three friends were signaled out by Ronald Ebens, 43, and Michael Nitz, 23, his stepson, according to NBC News, who, witnesses. Secret Photos, EBENs & Area 51 | Coast to Coast AM Secret Photos, EBENs & Area 51 Hosted by George Noory Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Open Lines February 10, 2006 Highlights Crashed Disc Photos & EBENs EBENs, Telepathy & Anti-Gravity '20 Pounds' & Domestic Spying About the show In this case, the story cites Paul Hellyer, the 1960s Canadian defense minister who is now a fervent UFO activist. The author of this series of emails refused to go into personal details beyond his admission that he was a retired Government employee that had an active role in the program. Some creatures have been reported with 6 or 8 appendages, some have 2 eyes on separate stems. Add Event; Find. by He even invited Spielberg to the White House for a special screening of Spielbergs movie E.T. His effort was not unrewarded. Later in the program, Linda spoke briefly with Dodie Crain, mother of famed Area 51 microbiologist Dan Burisch. Hybrids are particularly common across the cosmos and are believed to be of the alien races in contact with earth. Summary/Description:Between November 2005 and April 2006 information was leaked about a project that involved the exchange of ambassadors with the inhabitants of the planet Serpo, which revolves around one of the two stars of the Zeta Reticuli Rhomboidalis constellation. Project Serpo was underway. We buy houses. The total population on the planet was around 650,000. The population of Serpo at the time of the visit was about 650,000 and all were Ebens. Pictures, paintings, sculptures events in Melbourne Full and accurate description of Pictures, paintings, sculptures events Schedule, tickets, accommodation, travel arrangement and participation. Rooms & Suites. Before its news Her Ebben's ancestry is of Irish-Italian-American ethnicity. In December 1952, the military made contact with the alien race referred to as Ebens who lived on the Planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli system, and communications transpired over the next nine years. Does Serpo reside in the Zeta Reticuli system? In the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, written and directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1977, an alien spaceship lands, by prearrangement with the U.S. government, on a high mesa called The Devil's Tower in a remote corner of Wyoming and an ambassadorial exchange takes place. Pillage it for resources of course, which is exactly what the Anunnaki did when they arrived onEarth. Two members each from the navy and army ranks, along with eight members of the US Air Force. Two of the men chosen to participate quickly succumbed to the conditions and perished. Meanwhile, the government reported to the American public by telling them they had only seen weather balloons. Other colors, such as chalky beige, tan or blue-gray have also been described. The Eben was the only civilization on Serpo and their lives were disciplined and scheduled strictly on Serpos solar day. Theirs was the first system to be given the gift of life in our galaxy and all of the other species, ours included, may have descended from them. They believe those aliens come to Earth from time to time, keeping a track on how humans are progressing, looming over us like gods. Read Docs Embedded posts Display Facebook content beautifully on desktop and mobile web with responsive design. Serpo was a binary star system that meant elevated levels of heat and radiation. The main race of Arcturians stands to about 5 feet with green skin and large eyes that can see right through you. An appeals court reversed Ebens' conviction, citing legal errors made by the . I cover defense issues and military technology. The fate of the crew who returned is recorded but what of the couple that remained on Serpo? Ebens Head is a fairly prominent bald rock formation at the northwestern tip of Duck Harbor. The alleged alien invasion was revealed in an alleged report by Russia's FSB spy agency, which found "incontrovertible proof' that an 'alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda' is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945," said the Iranian news service. After a few years, the Americans moved to the Northern part of the planet where it was cooler and they were able to grow food more to their liking. The Pleiadians come from a bright star cluster known as the Pleiades. ", "Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the 'Tall White' agenda being implemented by the 'secret regime' ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowdens documents calls the 'final phase' of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule. The US military had kept these beings in biological storage following their studies of them. The journey to the Ebens home some thirty-nine light years away had taken only nine months. Born 1926 and died 1991. So much so, that the reverse-engineering of it was possible. The creature would live for five years under the supervision of the United States military before its death in 1952. Hotel Lobby Window Wall. The Americans expected to stay on Serpo for 10 years. The term "white bean" can be correctly applied to any bean that is white or off-white in color. A dedicated website has been created that chronicles this story in a more detailed fashion. Today, one of Paula's brothers is the . Remember people with biographies & photos. In November 1977, Steven Spielberg released his movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It was a financial and artistic success. Hotel Den. As far as most researchers are aware, no leaking of the actual report itself has taken place. They are hairless and seem to communicate through some kind of telepathy with each other as well as humans. Comments and Analysis About The Most Interesting Appearances By and Interactions With Other Intelligent Species. here is the complete list of the alien species the U.S. Government knows of and has catalogued: THE 400 BILLION STARS OF THE MILKY WAY OUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORHOOD IS JUST TEEMING WITH SENTIENT LIFE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE CONTROL-FREAKS OF THE USG STATE PUBLICLY ", "We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything. . Check out the video below. All citizens were issued with whatever they needed on a need to use basis and basic commerce was not in effect. We recently spoke of the bizarre occurrences and investigations at Skinwalker Ranch, another example of secret government research into unexplainable, and at times other-worldly events. Picture # 20 An alien is seen peeping through a window who looks baffled by the bright beam of light that is being pointed towards it. Your email address will not be published. Russian troops captured by Ukrainian forces have urged soldiers to denounce and rise up against Putin. JOHN EBENS OBITUARY. Biblioteccapleyades Ronald Ebens, one of the men accused of beating Vincent Chin to death, is seen here accompanied by an unidentified woman as he enters federal court. Stupid fascist alien book. (there are) two suns together. They came from Planet X aka Nibiru; An almost mythical planet that some scientists believe rotates around our sun on a very wide elliptical orbit that takes it far out into the expanses of space before coming back in for a close shave with our sun. About This Home Renovated ranch with a fabulous great room which includes a bright sunroom addition with vaulted ceiling. A Military was reported but weapons were never used and violence was completely unheard of. Of the twelve people that made the journey to Serpo, only eight would return. Sign In People; Photos; . The remaining astronauts Returned Home in 1978 and the government quarantined them for an entire year. The Troy Chamber of Commerce hosted its Business Excellence Awards on Thursday, March 2, at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy. Yeah, its shiny but it doesnt do anything useful like heal the sick or produce energy. There is a strong argument that the admission-retraction fiasco was a means of creating a distraction a double-bluff of sorts. Good looks, not 'a dot in the sky' events. Nor was money. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. While the team was stationed on Serpo, they were given the freedom of the planet and used this chance to fully explore. Fred Ebens of Twin Brooks, Grant County, South Dakota was born on October 22, 1909. Eugene L Ebens was born on June 11, 1926. Live Nightly 1am - 5am EST / 10pm - 2am PST, Sign up for our free CoastZone e-newsletter, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. The 2023 Downed UFO Wave Over North America Just What Is Going On? One Bedroom Suite King Bed. Assistir Dortmund X RB Leipzig - Ao Vivo Grtis HD sem travar, sem anncios. If you ask the internet, the answer is yes, they've contact us and given us the key to unlocking the universe. Are GMOS Detrimental to Health & Reproduction? Pictures, paintings, sculptures events in London Full and accurate description of Pictures, paintings, sculptures events Schedule, tickets, accommodation, travel arrangement and participation. At 43 hours in length, it was almost twice the typical Sol day. We have written for example of Paul Hellyer and his controversial but very clear claims several times before. They served no jail time and were given three years' probation, fined $3,000, and ordered to pay $780 in court costs. Not all aspects were different, however. 08/01/2007 Part 3, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards. With these examples in mind, maybe the idea that such a secret mission did happen is not as bizarre as it at first seems. The majority of the 650,000 inhabitants lived in a single large city but consisted of several individual communities. This is a BETA experience. Considering that they were millennia away from inventing devices powerful enough to see Sirius close-up, it makes sense that they had visitors from that section of the galaxy who told them about it. Unfortunately, one American had some kind of accident and died on the trip. The missions successes were heralded as a new era for space exploration and a harbinger of our civilizations technological evolution. Youve been warned. 08/17/2007 Two Bulls and Several Cows Dead and Mutilated in Manitoba, Canada. He was born January 13, 1939 near Oregon the son of John and . The top-secret mission left Earth in 1965 on their way to the planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli star system (incidentally Serpo is the crew's name for the planet - the Eben's refer to it as Eben). While order very much existed within these communities, crime was not an issue. Of all of the species knownbelievedto inhabit to the Milky Way, the Arcturians are the most ancient and the wisest. Eben food came from any one of several industrial methods. While there, they informed their superiors of their experiences and findings. He attempted to communicate, but spoke in tonal qualities that Americans were never able to understand or speak, according to UFO researcher Len Kasten. According to these theories, the Ebens are aliens from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. Oregon, IL - John W. Ebens, age 84, died Monday, February 6, 2023 at the Serenity Hospice and Home near Oregon. [3] Headless 'Mothmen' have also been reported. Ebens, who was convicted of second-degree murder but spent no time in prison for the act, is sorry for the beating death of Vincent Chin on June 19, 1982, in Detroit -- even though for many Asian Americans, he can't say sorry enough. updated February 22, 2023, 5:19 am, by It was difficult to keep track of days and times since the planet had two Suns and it never got completely dark. The Scandinavians had the Nordics and the Dogons; A tribe indigenous to Mali in Northern Africa had the Nommos who hailed from the brightest star in our night sky, Sirius. You can see where the Scandinavians got their inspiration for Thor from. Mites, Monsanto Cause Colony Collapse Disorder; Is Fungi A Solution? 08/30/2007 Part 1: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs. Two moons flanked the planet, whose days were the equivalent of forty-three hours long. So you could probably take one of them in a fist-fight. The Ebens had leaders but no real form of government and they lived in small communities with one large city which acted as the central point of the civilization. This may be a result of the smaller star that bathed the nighttime hours in ambient light that resembled twilight. They were the only intelligent life on the planet, and while other animal life-forms did exist, the Ebens did not at all associate them with food. The CARETAKER: Mr President, the five (5) species are called, [SEE: ], There are two (2) common links between each alien group and the, Level 2 at the S-2 facility is where JROD and the other alien [. For example, the encounter may involve a feeling of heat, or a feeling of paralysis in the body + Encounters of the third kind: Encounters in which a type of animated creature accompanies the UFO encounter. It seemed they lived fairly primitively for a culture that also had advanced technology. There was a race of intelligent beings who lived here. Twentieth Century Patented Tech The Result Of The Roswell Crash? The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. Richard's funeral service was held at All Saints Church, 11 Irving St., Worcester on Saturday, February 25 at 11:00AM. So, perhaps it's not necessarily a bad thing that Tehran thinks its main adversary is backed by the power of space aliens. Reports simply state that representatives of the United States government conducted talks with the Ebens. Tall and humanoid with a long head, and distinctive grey features; They are the most commonly depictedalienlife-form in our media. But the part that should concern you a tad is that the UFO story was just published by the Fars News Agency, the English-language news service of Iran, a nation that may be very close to acquiring nuclear weapons. This site is intended to facilitate the gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78.