Entered Valley Forge with 175 men assigned, 69 fit for duty. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The 13th Virginia Regiment, much of which was comprised of militia from the western counties, such Greenbrier, was stationed at Fort Pitt at this time. How much more then must our apprehension of Danger increase when we find that by an Act of Assembly we are to furnish 34 Men More for the Continental Army. Colt Model 1870 Civil War Percussion Revolver Was two years & nine months in actual service I substituted as before stated for nine months. Heard him the said Dixon relate whilst engaged as a Spy that a woman By the name of Butler kiled in Virginia and other circumstances in relation to his services as a spy heard him the said Dixon relate that he was urged by Col. Garham of Greenbrier Cty to watch his family till he could return from Court, and that he the said Dixon did watch accordingly and that said Dixon discovered there were danger from Indians, and warned the family of Col Graham who did not heed his the said Dixons warning he having previous to their being kild they the family aforesd refused to go to the fort that was close by & was murdered by the Indians the next morning.. Either Hamiltons Fort is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort, or Arbuckles Fort was gone by 1777. Theres strong evidence through these narratives that our fort was in active military use from around 1774 through 1782, which for the most part is the entire timeline of Lord Dunmores War and the American Revolution. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. I would doubt that they drove beef cattle, because they would have been using a wilderness trail to reach the destination. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches. 13th Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains The Valley Forge Park Alliance maintains the Muster Roll Project and helps to inspire appreciation of and support for Valley Forge National Historical Park. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. That he entered the service of the United States, & served under the following named Officers, he was drafted for six months at the House or Station called, Burnsides Station [near present Salt Sulfur Springs in Monroe County WV], in month of February 1778, in the company commanded, by Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Woods. Mar 11, 2023 5th Maryland Regiment at Washington . That in the year 1781 he again entered the service on the 1stday of Aprile and continued in service until the 1stof November following. He was here under Captain Archibald Woods. Nations & Cannons - Quickstart Guide | PDF | Slavery | Muscogee No. Rockingham County Virginia to secure the marriage of Daniel Trout to Catharine Grub b.] I was there discharged, by my said Captain John Woods, discharged the last day of July or the first day of August 1778. Then returned home to Kentucky, and were discharged by Col Logan, at the Fort, in Month of January 1781. Mr. Griffin, by now an elderly man, half a century after-the-fact, recollects that he joined the military in 1777 and joined up at Byrnsides Fort itself, which is pretty cool. All rights reserved. Woods and served three months guarding the Country from the depredations of the Indians. American Revolutionary War Continental Regiments List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 Connecticut Line Delaware Line Georgia Line Maryland Line Massachusetts Line New Jersey Line New Hampshire Line New York Line North Carolina Line Pennsylvania Line Rhode Island Line South Carolina Line Virginia Line It is with the utmost reluctance we address ourselves to your Excellency on this occasion (at a time when the necessities of the State require the utmost exertion of its members in its defence) to request that you will Prolong the Term in which we are to furnish said recruits, till the return of o[ur] Militia from Colo. Clarke, or at least till such time as [the]y have got into the Indian Country and may have drawn their attention to his operations. The Revolutionary War may have been another one of those "rich man's war, poor man's fight" - but many Virginians did fight. We are Sir Your most Obedt. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. Iowans transformed the fertile prairies of the Midwest resources, involvement in the Civil War, legacy in film, into the most productive farmland in the world. Jacob Workman: PERSON, pictures and information - Fold3 < J. Alston wm culled to tbe cbnir, and R. A. MoKoight appointed Secretary pro t*m. Tlio Chairman having called tbe meeting to or- ,0 John Gibson(previously Col. William Russel). Prussian, or Polish-into their regiment. That he was Inlisted by Capt James Burnsides at his House, Greenbrier County Virginia for 18 months & was marched to Pittsburg Pensylvania where he was mustered into the 13th Regt. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. It appears that there were musters at Byrnsides Fort for expeditions to Kentucky to assist George Rogers Clark in 1778, and also again in 1781. 1778, having lost his entire right forearm due to an injury in the military service. [T]hat he was drafted in the last of February in the year 1781 in the service of the United States and entered the service under Colonel (William) Preston, Major Quirk and Captain Andrew Hamilton of the Militia of the State of Virginia at Burnsides Station in Greenbrier County and march[ed] from there to what is now called Kentucky to join General Clark [George Rogers Clark] at the falls of the Ohio to go to New orleans [New Orleans] to assist the French agreeable to order of General Washington. Regt, which I Accordingly have done, Excepting those of the 13th Virga Regt and some who were sick. and further this deponant saith not. Regiments - Valley Forge Muster Roll My self with two or three others did not. Stephen Watts Kearney's Co. Capt. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. When the said Genl Hann (Hand) discharged his troops in the month of November in the year seventeen hundred seventy seven when this said declarant after being Honorably discharged returned home. List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 American Revolutionary War That the nature of his service was to guard the Fort and go out when commanded in pursuit of the Indians when they would make their appearance in the settlement that his companions in service was commonly Matthew Patterson and John Cantly who are long since Dead. Wright, for many years. [M[y Father and my self each had a settlement right of 400 acres of land the title to which we perfected[?] He does not know in what month. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. While he was there, the Shawnee attacked the Graham family. Enter your email address to get automatic notification of new posts to this blog. I remained in the Station about Two or three weeks. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA: Jonathan Fowle 13-star flag 1 national color REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA REPRODUCTION FLAGS "Grand Union" flag (Siege of Boston) . He described their return journey in a letter: Three days were occupied in destroying standing corn and burning houses. And after he returned home he went to the County of Botetourt County State of Virginia and in the month of September 1780 he again entered the service of the United States as a Volunteer in the company of Captain Alexander Hanley in the County aforesaid to serve a tower of six months, the company marched to the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid on Holston River where they were attached to Major Campbells Battalion and from that place they marched through North Carolina to South Carolina where they joined General Morgans [Daniel Morgans] Brigade and after they joined the aforesaid Brigade they marched to the Cowpens and that he was in the Battle of the Cowpens [January 17, 1781].. The American Heroes Channel announces its new Blood and Fury: America's Civil War TV show will premiere Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 10:00pm ET/PT.The series delves into one of the bloodiest chapters in American history. Records Commission. On Aug. 11, 1779, Brodhead and 605 men, from the 8th Pennsylvania and 9th Virginia Regiments, marched north toward Conewago. The circumstance of Gilmore being kild exasperated and enraged the Millitia to such a hight, that they fiered upon and kild four friendly Indians that had been several days in the fort (Murder of Chief Cornstalk on 10 Nov 1777). 12th Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch Reuben Gilder's Co. Capt. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. They arrived during the attack, rushed towards the fun. Benjamin Harrison of VA. Home Battles 1775 to 1783 Campaigns Continental Army Continental Navy British Army Flags of the Revolution War Facts War Leaders Patriot Leaders British Leaders September 14, 1778: redesignated the 10th Virginia: The German Regiment: Brig. The 8th Pennsylvania, also stationed there, was commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead. While it is impossible to track every unit that fought in the Revolutionary War due to all the militia this is a good starting point for understanding where your ancestor may have fought and what they endured during the war. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. In May of 1778, Washington appointed Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh, of Georgia, to succeed Gen. Hand in running the entire Western Department primarily Fort Pitt. Thomas Jefferson, as Governor of Virginia, had written a letter to the officers of the Greenbrier County Militia, ordering the to raise 137 men of the county militia, once again for the purpose of joining George Rogers Clark, but this time it would be on a prolonged expedition in the west (i.e., taking Detroit). The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). Its believed that such was the plan under which troops were being raised in these counties. This was in Greenbrier County Virginia. No Spam - just posts. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783. The said Gilmore crossed the River Kanhannay (Kanawha) for the purpose of hunting and was fiered upon and kild by the Indians. That he was again drafted in the latter part of the summer or in the early part of the autumn of the same year 1781 from the County of Augusta and State aforesaid & was again command by Captain Thomas Hicklin and was attached to a Regiment commanded by Colonel Samuel Vance; that he was marched accross the Blue Ridge at Rockfish gap, thence on by a place called Bowling green, thence on by Pages Ware House and thence on to Little York where Lord Cornwallis with his Army were then stationed; that he was at the Seige of York [28 Sep 19 Oct 1781] and at the taking of Lord Cornwallis and his army; that the British Army was marched out between two lines of the American Army to the place where they laid down their arms and then they returned through the same lines to their encampment in York Town, and on the next day they were marched out with their knapsacks on, and then took up their line of march under a strong escort or guard of the American Soldiers to the Barracks at Winchester Virginia; that he was one of the guard who escorted the prisoners to Winchester where he was discharged on the next day after his arrival having again served a tour of about three months as near as he now recollects. on one occasion I was out with three other men spying on Gauley River we were in this service for one month I dont know by what authority we were spying but suppose by the direction of Capt Hamilton. Many records include addresses, dates of birth and death, burial places and other information. I was drafted in this Campaign but owing to my situation being lately married I could not go with the troops. That about the first of February 1781 he was drafted for six month in Captain Wm Hamiltons Company to serve against to Indians and on the 14thof February he marched and rendezvoused on the 15that Burnsides [Fort Burnside], near where Union now stands in the County of Monroe Virginia he then was marched to Fort Chisel in the County of Montgomery [Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County VA] where he was attached to the company of Captain John Henderson John Woods was Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton Magor where they remained for some cause he never new what they guarded a few Tories there and was sometimes told that they was to be marched against some Tories that was stationed up the New River at one time it was said that they was to be attacked by the Tories and they went in camp prepared Bullets &c for the engagement but no engagement took place that the campaign was so irregularly conducted that he left them and returned home after serving only five months. Thanks. that during the whole of the aforesaid time he was either actively engaged in scouting or in Garrison with an Imbodied Corps under the command of the aforesaid Officers and that he was not engaged in any civil pursuits during the aforesaid periods. These first-hand narratives, mostly from the 1830s, are the recollections of the 18th century frontier soldiers of the Greenbrier Valley. Mar 11, 2023 1790 Early Slave Bill of Sale (Virginia) $500. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. Girty was present at the torturing and killing of William Crawford by the Wyandots in Upper Sandusky in 1782. Mar 11, 2023 [Revolutionary War] Gold Pin Inscribed w/ KIA Officer's Name $225. This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. After remaining there some six or eight weeks he was marched back to Woodses fort near New River in Greenbrier County (Woods Fort, 4 mi NE of Peterstown now in Monroe County WV) and was kept employed in guarding Indians and Tories. The reason Capt. There destroyed the Indian Towns, destroyed their (the Indians) Corn and other property. He was discharged from service during the winter having continued in service six months. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. In those days, you could avoid a military draft by hiring someone else to go in your place. I make no doubt Genl Hand has already Acquainted your Excellency of the Situation of Affairs in this Country and of his having gone down to Regulate the Garrisons on the Ohio.2 since he left this place nothing Material has happened. This one was also a new find. His expedition was one of several in Western Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. This ended in McIntosh eventually being relieved of command, being replaced by Col. Brodhead. He was right. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.[1]. He then lived in Greenbrier County Virginia. ==Summary== The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. Ligonier, a town and township about thirty miles southeast of Fort Pitt in Westmoreland County, Pa., was the site of a British fort between 1758 and 1765. The unit was organized on 12 February 1777 at Fort Pitt in present-day western Pennsylvania to consist of nine companies of troops from the far-western Virginia counties (now parts of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. James T. Neal (1738-1822) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to Title: Twenty years around the world. Washington liked Crawford, a fellow Virginian, and ultimately wanted to see him in control of all forces in the western region. The unit was organized on 12 February 1777 at Fort Pitt in present-day western Pennsylvania to consist of nine companies of troops from the far-western Virginia counties (now parts of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). Upton and James Strond and that they met with a party of 7 or 8 Indians who was making their way into the settlement that they fired at each other when the Indians soon retreated without doing any damage with the exceptions of wounding Strond he in company with his companions returned to the Garrison to apprise the Garrison of the approach of the Indians when they give the Intelligence himself in company with 7 or 8 others was ordered out to meet a company from the big Levels of Greenbrier to go in persuit of the Indians the company from the Levils failed in coming on and he returned to his Garrison when he lerned the Indians had been in the neighbourhood and killed James Monday took his wife and child into captivity and after traveling about four miles killed and skelped the child [Apr 1780] they also at this time wounded Samuel McClung. when the time expired I applied for a discharge and was told by Col Gibson that I was in the regular service and to go about my business. It's free, no spam, and you can unsubscribe at any time. we [illegible word] turn out all together and work [each] others corn and potatoe patches in turn whilst we were at work, one or two would be detailed to keep a look out for the Indians and in this way we worked and watched in turn we always selected some one among us as a sort of leader or Captain. that sending the 13th Virginia companies at Valley Forge to Fort Pitt would result in similar demands being made by members of the 12th Virginia and the 8th and 12th Pennsylvania regiments. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I was living on Wolf Creek when I was called into service and remained there until about the year 1790 when I moved to where I now live. Clark did so, in an epic way, and now was positioned within striking distance of the British fort at Detroit. The fort was in the form of a trapezoid, about 150 feet on each side, with raised earthen bastions on each corner. virginia civil war reenactments 2022 - prismaces.colmex.mx George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment - The Civil War in the East He then mentions serving under Captain Thomas Wright.
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