Pierre GENDREAU HTU Cole = Charbonneau Good luck to everyone in your search for your ancestors of whatever heritage. Derry, Deary Sarault = Serreault, Sarrault, Serault, Sarau, Sereau Purchases of Family Tree downloads can be uploaded to MyHeritage so you can easily build out your family tree no matter what type of computer you are on. Ind. Pelletier = Pelkey 3 (2017) : 1014. The following list was drawn-up for the Grand Pr National Historic Site by historian Brenda Dunn of Canadian Parks Service: To purchase the CD-ROM or Digital Download of your Family Tree Genealogy database, click here, To purchase your Family Tree Genealogy database, click here, More Variations/Derivatives of French surnames, Aba(i)r(e) = Hbert Jean-Vincent D'Abbadie-de-St-Castin & Mathilde Madokawando, Marie Pidiwammiskawa, Melchide Nicosquone, (2 are daughters of Abenaki Chief Madokawando. Acadian and Quebec Metis - Genealogy.com Acadia-Mtis Mothers. Brault = Brow Lafloor = Lafleur Boucher = Bushey Sharron = Charron G. A database of more than two million names, many of which are Acadian. Proulx = Prue The Quebec mtDNA project: Is Marie David, being a descendant of Unknown Mi'kmaq,an Acadian? Sebastien | Abenaki, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Innu Montagnais, Mixed-heritage: Algonquin Fr. Territory, New France through marriage between Marie Rouensa, and Michel Philippe, she was the dau. [https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/hq/2017-v23-n3-hq03295/87030ac/ Aubois DNA studies] Accessed DATE., citation: Rundquist, Marie. Brazo, Brazot, Acadien, Cadien, Deslauriers, Duhamel, Gaudet, Langevin, Laniel, Desrochers, Desroches, Durocher, Lapierre, Laroche, Brosard, Brossar, Brossard, Brossart, Broussard, Duchesneau, Lafontaine, Langevin, Pontoise, Brouseau, Broussau, Brousseau, Brousseaux, Bruseau, Brusseau, Carrier, Duplessis, Laforet, Laroque, St-Antoine, Belhumeur, Bourbonnais, Dauphin, Lasabloniere, Ltang, Cahouet, Cahouette, Caouet, Caouete, Caouette, Campau, Campaut, Campeau, Campo, Campos, Campost, Campot, Bondy, Chevalier, Jacquet, Labont, Lefebvre, Mzire, Carbonau, Carboneau, Carboneaux, Carbonnau, Carbonneau, Carbonneaux, Carbono, Boutin, Chevalier, LHeureux, Leroux, Renaud, Theriault, Carignan, Carignant, Carignian, De Carignan, Deschamps, Desruisseaux, Dussault, Gauthier, Latulippe, Laviolette, Verret, Vidal, Cari, Carier, Cariere, Carri, Carrier, Carrire, Casavan, Casavent, Cazavan, Cazavant, Cazavent, Castongay, Castonguay, Castongue, Gastongay, Gastonguay, Chambellan, Chamberlan, Chamberland, Chamberlang, Champerlant, Chambrelan, Chambreland, Chambrelant, Andegrave, Aubin, Beaugrand, Dupr, Fontenelle, Foureur, Fugre, Gouin, Henault, Lalanne, Lambert, Laplante, Magnan, Orion, Rmy, St-Martin, Sylvestre, Tareau, Chapelain, Chapelin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chappelain, Bourg, Guyon, Janot, Jolicoeur, Langoumois, Renaud, Chapeu, Chappu, Chapput, Chapu, Chapue, Chapus, Chaput, Belhumeur, Chapa, Cuisinier, Maurice, Senez, Chabonneau, Charbonau, Charbonault, Charboneau, Charbonnau, Charbonneau, Charbonneaux, Daunais, Deouatique, Hbert, Lveill, Martin, Sanscartier, Blondeau, Desjardins, Seigneur, St-Laurent, Chasteauneuf, Chatauneuf, Chateauneuf, Cartoneuf, Antaya, Desranleau, Dumontet, Meneu, Montauban, Pelletier, Beaulieu, Bernet, Jouinne, Normand, St-Germain, Chomedey, Chomedy, Dechaumedey, Dechomeday, Dechomedy, Chambly, Labont, Lapointe, Lariviere, Leonard, Beaupr, Blanger, Buisson, Daumont, Fagnan, Lessard, Magny, St-Amour, Beaudreau, Bouilleron, Brusseau, DEstreme, Fordet, Garnier, Hugues, Hujot, Janet, LaFontaine, Marc, Rousse, Rousseau, Royer, Barette, Berthelot, Breslay, Perrault, Rossignol, Thibier, Fris, Grignon, Languedoc, Lefris, Lilois, Beaumont, Deschnes, Desecors, Desilets, Desprs, Dupuis, Lafleur, Lepine, Lilois, Abraham, Baret, Billy, Cadieux, Desmarais, Herault, Lefebvre, Piette, St-Michel, Cousinau, Cousinault, Cousinaut, Cousineau, Cousino, Cousinot, Couzinaud, Babin, Bourgault, Corbin, Defoy, Fevrier, Gamelin, Hubert, Langevin, Lefebvre, Roberge, Thibodeau, Corteau, Crauteau, Crotau, Croteau, Croto, Crottau, Crotteau, Crotto, Cir, Cire, Cyr, Cyre, Sir, Sire, Siree, Sirre, Syr, Syre, Dagenais, Dagenai, Dagenes, Dagenest, Dagenet, Leprince, Lajeunesse, Lepine, Pigeon, Roux, Roy, Dalair, Dalaire, Dalere, Dallaire, Daller, Dallere, Dechaine, Dechene, Dechenes, Dechenne, Dechesne, Deschaine, Deschaines, Deschene, Deschenes, Deschennes, Deschesne, Deschesnes, Deletancour, Demousel, Languedoc, Paradis, Pelletier, Derocher, Derochers, Desrocher, Desrochers, Desrochets, Dehais, Dehayes, Dehays, Dehes, Deshaies, Deshayes, Beaudin, Charbonnier, Delboeuf, Louvard, Roy, Verger, Zacharie, Bertrand, Duquet, Houde, Jean, Perrault, Sevestre, Devau, Devaux, Deveau, Deveaux, Devost, Devot, Devots, Jolicoeur, Parisien, Perouard, Sanscartier, Deslauriers, Desprs, Dumontier, Dutilly, Guyon, Lemoine, Sansoucy, Bernier, Devidepoche, Jolicoeur, Moreau, Sansoucy, Guyon, Deroin, Derouen, Derouin, Droin, Drouen, Drouin, Breton, DeBlaignac, Foulon, Grossetete, Gueret, Lambert, Laviolette, Marchand, Poitevin, Aimar, Aimard, Aimart, Aymar, Aymard, Aymart, Emart, Haimard, Haymard, Hemard, Hemart, Deslauriers, Gosselin, Ladouceur, Poitevin, Belanger, Blais, Bourget, Clrinm Durivage, Lamadeleine, Lamontagne, Laprairie, Philippe, Pont, Lajeunesse, Lalancette, Laperiere, Larose, Montferrand, Raymond, Charon, Cloutier, Desrosiers, Dufay, Failly, Mandeville, Martin, Piette, Blais, Forget, Goddu, Granger, Labont, Mignault, Paquet, Farland, Ferlan, Ferlant, Frelan, Freland, Frelan, Barbeau, Benoit, Jean, Joli, Labranche, Larose, Lefort, Morin, Tessier, Tiriac, Bellefontaine, Lafortune, Lagrandeur, Paris, Plermel, Belleval, Desilets, Dufresne, Hebert, Lagrenade, Larose, Lesprit, Prfontaine, Vivier, Gagnion, Gaignon, Gangnon, Ganion, Gasnion, Galipau, Galipaux, Galipot, Gallipau, Gallipeau, Galypo, Gaudais, Gaud, Gaudet, Gaudette, God, Godet, Godete, Godette, Gaudereau, Gaudrau, Gaudreau, Gaudro, Goderau, Godereau, Godreau, Godro, Boisverdun, Brulon, Caron, Delaverandrye, DeVarennes, Frappedabord, LaFrance, Landreville, Larouche, Rabot, Saguingorra, St-Germain, Archambault, Beaudoin, Beausejour, Dupuis, Harnois, Houde, Houle, Parisien, Rivard, Servais, Talbot, Gamelin, Hubert, Jeangource, Rivard, St-Franois, Gerard, Geraut, Gerhart, Giar, Girardeau, Girard, Girare, Girart, Girord, Girore, Girouard, Giard, Guerard, Gyrard, Breton, Brindamour, Derain, Devorlay, Girardin, Jeanpierre, Jolicoeur, Larochelle, Miot, Provenal, Sanschagrin, Geroir, Gerroir, Giouard, Giroir, Girroir, Jirouard, Gaudain, Gauden, Gaudin, Godain, Goddin, Godin, Beausejour, Boisjoli, Catalogne, Chatillon, Felix, Lapoterie, Lauliere, Lincourt, Prescot, Tourangeau, Valcourt, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudro, Godereau, Godrault, Godreault, Godro, Godrot, Goodrow, Guibau, Guibaut, Guibeau, Guibo, Guilbau, Guilbaud, Guilbault, Guilbaux, Guilbeau, Guillebault, Guillbeau, Dion, Dionne, Gion, Guillon, Guion, Guyon, Gyon, Yon, Buisson, Desprs, Dumontier, Durouvray, Dutilly, Frenette, Lemoine, Abaire, Abare, Abbot, Ebart, ber, bert, Heber, Heberd, Hbere, Hebert, Herber, Herbert, Hesbert, Hibbart, Hubert, Beaumont, Couillard, Deslauriers, Jolicoeur, Lambert, Larose, Laverdure, Lecompte, Lenoir, Manuel, Henrichon, Jarry, Laforge, Lahaye, Neveu, Madore, Bellefeuille, Blosse, Bonin, Demers, Derousseau, Desrochers, Desruisseaux, Gervais, Houle, Leclerc, Desruisseaux, Durocher, Gervais, Lafranchise, Janson, Jansonne, Jeanson, Jeansone, Johnston. Courchesne = Cushion Names That means some people born outside Acadie will still be included in the Acadian project. The daughters are considered by Stephen White to be "ancestors of many Acadian families in the Gaspe peninsula and in northern New Brunswick . Potvin = Pudvah The sticker goes anywhere under the Biography heading. Sanderson | Metis, Chippewa, Cree, Scot. Trudeau = Trudo Gonyea = Gagn | Reply. Laflin = Lafleur Patenaude = Patno(de) Lunderville = Landreville For genealogical purposes the absence for the early period of the records of marriages, or marriage contracts which normally form the most reliable sources of such information, is the chief difficulty one encounters. Guindon=Yandow If a particular family name does not have any spelling variations nor any dit names, that will be noted in the respective columns. Jacques | Abenaki, Amalecite, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibwa, Janvier | Metis, Chipewyan, Dene FEB 2023, Jean, John, Johnny | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Delaware, Salish, Shushwap, Slavey, Johnson | Metis, Cayuga, Chip., Mikmaq,Mohawk, Six Nations, Tusc. Metis research adds a level of difficulty that some might find discouraging. Cushion = Courchesne Histoire Qubec 23, no. Quenneville=Kenville = Lemoine = Luman I compiled the following list of Acadian surnames along with dit names (surname nicknames) from the following Acadian website where you can view which ancestral families were recorded in various census documents including 1671, 1686, 1714 and a deportation list from 1755. News and Reflections: "La Vieille Maison Wins $10,000 In Contest: A home dating back to Acadian re-settlement in Clare has won $10,000 in a national contest." What about her children? In French. Native Americans, French Canadians and Intermarriage - USGenNet Most of these claims are to a "Mtis" identity, though many also claim "Abenaki" and . Tout droits rserv. Lef(f)ler = Lafleur Corbo = Corbeau . Quebec ADNy matches with IN41520 (a descendant of William Moloney) include one other descendant of Wm Moloney. Sometimes their actual surname is known, occasionally they were given a name, and even more often their surname is Unknown. We do not assign names ourselves. Root = Racine Santaw = St. Onge I would love your opinion : ), Comment by Jennifer | Boardwine = Beaudoin Click here to go to MyHeritage to get started today! Franais, Canadien-franais, Acadiens, Franco-amricains, Mtis, Cajuns La liste de noms de famille que nous affichons n'est pas exhaustive. Who issued the card? My relative Sophie Lavigne+dit-Tessier married George Dean. john pawlowski obituary; how to prevent albinism during pregnancy; honeyglow pineapple vs regular pineapple; nickelodeon live show tickets; goway travel liquidation See Business license Flyer Below. Quesse=Caisse, Rabtoy/Robtoy = Robitaille Fields = Deschamps French_Heritage_DNA - Background | FamilyTreeDNA 1703. Names Many Mi'kmaq were given first names by the French. Willet(te) = Ouellette, Yandow=Guindon Jacques = Jacks Citation: White, S. A. Tyo = Taillon, Vanslatte = Vincelette Boivin = Drinkwine McGregor | Algon., Chip., Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibway, McIvor, McIver | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Kwakiutl, Thompson, McKay, MacKay, McCay, McCoy | BC First Nations, Chipeweyan, Cree, Metis, Micmac, Ojibway, Saulteaux, Slavi, McKenzie | Metis, Cree, Mikmaq, Montagnais, French, McLean, Maclean, McLane | Algon.,Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Mixed, Ojibway, Sault., Seneca, Shushwap, Stoney, McLeod | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Ojibway, Saulteaux Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, McPherson, Macpherson | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Michel | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chippewyan, Cree, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Stony, Miller | Metis, BC, Chip., Cree, Malecite, Mikmaq, Iro., Mohawk, Six Nations, Tete de Boule (Atikamekw). SANDIMAS@HdLGov.com. 1) Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755 2) Acadian Surnames Louisiana Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755. It contains surnames from my family trees and other family trees Ive worked on as well as surnames that appear in my First Nations, Metis and Mixed-heritage projects. Shontelle = Chantal Lineages whose past is connected to the mainly French-speaking St. Lawrence Valley, herein referred to as Quebec for purpose of simplicity, are all welcome to this Project, be they Native, British, Irish, German, Swiss, etc. Germain Lejeune and his family were among the last to settle at the Baie-des-Espagnols, having arrived in the early fall of 1750. Drinkwine = Boivin Isbister | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Chippewa, Scot., Eng. Cindy Borque sent me the following, which I think should be incorporated here: Thank you, Murray, I added the two we didn't have. Clment Drolet It seems to be self-published. Chauvin = Shover My genealogy was here in the new world as early as the 1500s. (Shediac Cape N.-B., Victorin N. Mallet, 2016) p. XX, Citation: Gendreau-Htu, Pierre "La Dportation des Acadiens claire par lADN amrindien". Mitchell | Metis, Algon., Chippewa,Iroq., Malecite, Mikmaq, Fr. The term "Acadians" refers to immigrants from France in the early 1600s who settled in the colony of Acadia, in what are now the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. True Acadian Period: 1604-1755 Surnames A mirror project (Quebec mtDNA Project) focuses on the other hand on signatures inherited from female pioneers (please find under the MT GEOGRAPHICAL PROJECTS tab).". Moreau | Metis, Montagnais, Cree,French, Morin | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, Saulteaux, Mixed heritage, Morrison | Cree, Mikmaq, Kispiox (Gitskan) Jerome, Morrisseau | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Ojibway, French, Nicholas | Nicolas | Cree, Iroquois, Malecite, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Oneida, Six Nations, Nolan / Nolin | Metis, Cree, Iroquois, Montagnais, Ojibwe, Paquet | Metis, Chipewyan, Cree, Mixed-heritage: Fr., Cree, Paradis | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Payette / Pyette | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Pelletier | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Ottawa, Mixed: Cree, French, Perras | Iroquois, Mixed-heritage: Iroquois, Perrault | Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, Phillips (&vari.) why is ethics the only necessary knowledge brainly; in recent times crossword clue Some of the kits are managed by the project administrator, and are unlikely to ever appear in another group. Bolduke = Bolduc 470 pages, including bibliography and annexes. Greenwood = Boisvert Mi'kmaq Genealogy: Mtis:Acadian Ancestral Home. Fontaine = Fountain/Spring People of Mi'kmaq descent (or any known or unknown tribe) may be known as First Peoples no matter how thin the blood goes down through descendants. Acadian and Amerindian Ancestry DNA Project - mtDNA Test Results. Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. Maliseet & Micmac Acadian-Indian Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Church Records Agamabiche, Jean Baptiste Baptized: 1807.1.25 Age/Birthdate: 1806.12 Parents: Laurent Agamabiche and Marie Genevieve Godin Priest: MA Amiot Register: St. Basile, Madawaska Witnesses: Nicolas Godin and Marie Michel Notes: 'sauvages' Source: 190, , F1730 Comeau = Como acadian metis surnames - tamojuntocefetmg.org Citation: Mallet, Victorin N , Ph. OAKLAND, CA. Lafleur = Lafloor, Laflour, Laf(f)ler, Lef(f)ler, Lof(f)ler, Laflin MTIS /NATIVE AMERICAN ANCESTRY SOURCES - Michael Marcotte | Metis, Abenaki, BC First Nations, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Picard | Metis, Abenaki, Iroquois, Malecite, Montagnais, Abenaki, Pierre | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Algon., Cree, Monta., Ojib., Salish, Stoney, Pigeon | Ojibway, Saulteaux, First Nations, Poitras | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Prosper | BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Proulx | Metis, Chippewa, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Rainville | Metis, Abenaki, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Recollet | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Ottawa Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Richard | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Robert, Roberts | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Mikmaq, Cree, Mistassini (Cree), Ojibway, Robillard | Metis, Saulteaux, Mixed heritage, Robinson | Metis, Algon., BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojib., Chip., Cree, Roy | Cree, Metis, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Ottawa. Lavallee | Metis, Saulteaux, Chippewa, Cree, Fr. I also rely upon Mothers of Acadia and the Quebec yDNA and mtDNA projects. Renaud/Renault = Reno [https://www.familytreedna.com/public/AcadianAmerIndian?iframe=mtresults mtDNA Results], Accessed DATE., Citation:White, Stephen A. The origin of our Acadian families, especially the oldest and largest among them, are but little known. This information is not intended for people who are attempting to join specific First Nations or Metis peoples. acadian metis surnames Morris = Maurice, Obin = Aubin December 10, 2019 These are either Surname Anchor Posts or Early French Canadian Pioneer Posts. Buckwheat = Sarrazin Now Through Feb 14th. The Quebec Project ADNmt also forges relationships with the general public, as evidenced by its public appearances (eg the Salon de la FADOQ in Quebec). Purrier = Poirier, Qumeneur=Kemener, Kimeneur, Timeneur, Kemneur, Kemener, Kimenir, Temenaire, Timenaire Boncoeur = Bunker, Goodheart Pecor = Picard Jeangra(s)w = Gingras The name on the document is Francoise Timiskamang daughter of Louis Laplante and a Marie Cou. Recently in Canada and the United States, a small but vocal minority of white French-descendants have used an ancestor born between 300 and 400 years ago to claim an "Indigenous" identity. Beaulac = Bolack Benway = Benoit Cyr = Sire, Cyre, Cir, Sears, Sear, Dabat = LaBatt The center column (second column) contains spelling variations of the name in the first column, and only of that name. Of course most Acadian families are of French origin. Charron = Sharron Even before this spirit spread to Mexico, California felt the effects of the rebellions, for Spain's hard-pressed navy could not spare ships to bring supplies to the missions, presidios, and pueblos north of San Diego. My family name is Annett from Gaspe Quebec.My grandmother on dads side was a Johnson.Her mom was an OConnor.Mom side was Girard and Vardon.My siblings have a Metis card.Would like to know more about my ancestors.where Metis is from and and other tribes associated with my family and how. Tereo = Theriault The goal of this project is to create a series of mini-indexes that make it easier to access information about surnames on this site that are associated with indigenous, Metis or mixed-heritage individuals. Robitaille = Rabtoy/Robtoy Page x of 234 pages. These change frequently so the date is important, https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/metis-identity-history-rights-explainer-1.5098585, Unknown (Mi'kmaq) Unknown (abt.1605-bef.1639), Marie Mathilde (Penobscot) Pidianske (bef.1658-abt.1720), Marie (Penobscot) Pidiwammiskwa (abt.1665-), Marie Christine Aubois (abt.1665-aft.1730), Marie Thrse (Mi'kmaq) Unknown (1668-1717), Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763). French edition. Many of these documents are just now coming to light, due to the assiduous searching of certain descendants determined to trace their Acadian connections. Print. St. Pierre = Sampierre Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. Hamelin | Metis, Cree, Salteaux, Mixed-heritage:French, Hardisty | Slavi. The Acadian Mtis are descended from early French Acadian settlers and indigenous Mi'kmaq people of Southwest Nova Scotia who freely intermarried. Lavigne = Lev(i)en(e), Laveen Quebec mtDNA also works in association with the Quebec genealogical society. Could you please add examples of citations that I may use? Terrien = Therrien Use this sticker for those in southern Acadia which became Maine: {{Native American Sticker|tribe=Penobscot}}, substituting tribe name or left blank if not known. [http://www.acadian-home.org/origins-mtdna.html mtDNA Proven Origins]. Lareau = Laroe/Larrow Ct = Cota The column on the right (third column) contains dit names for the name on the left, and only for that name. There are frequent updates. HI, Murray, I'll try to clarify. Launcto = Lanctt Hello Roger, The results page for Quebec ADNy includes kits whose Earliest Known Ancestors includes at least 17 examples of people who were born and/or died in "Acadie". Home Genealogy Families Acadian Family Names 1700 to 1755 and Variations. Jones | Metis, BC, Chip., Cree, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Sault., Shaw., Six Nations. Such families, especially those who only settled in Acadia in the last quarter century before the disaster of 1755, are only identified as Acadians by documents concerning the exiles in Qubec, France, the British American colonies, the West Indies, French Guyana or Louisiana. Join over 6,000 others on the Acadian Facebook community where we talk about our history, genetics, and more. The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project conducts ongoing research to verify their origins. Tatro = Ttreault March 16, 2020 The Quebec ADNy project Ive listed those surnames in black at the foot of this post. Foizie = Foisy Acadian, Metis, Cajun and others of French Heritage. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Be aware that many user generated trees have made up names that will not be used on WikiTree. de St-Pierre = Dessin-Pierre Establishing an ancestral signature actually requires a minimum of two relevant participants. Anne PATARABEGO married Richard (de Fronsac) DENYS Abt. Bouchard | Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Boucher | Metis, Beaver, Cree, Ojibway, Pagan, Bourque | Metis, Abenaki, Chipewyan, Cree, Huron, Irish, Boyer | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Saulteaux Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, Brook, Brooks | BC First Nations, Dennay / Dene, Haida, Malecite / Maliseet, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Wyandotte Feb 2023. 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