it saddens me, b/c i have given my all & i feel persecuted & i have lost a great deal of respect for you. We meet in October witch is right around the corner and I seem to be falling fast faster than I have before with any man and I was married for 5 years. The more you fly your freak flag, the more he pledges allegiance. Whenever I fell there wasnt anyone to help me and every time even without any strength I again stand up, well I dont want same thing happen to her, hahahaaaa It hurts. It was hard to do with a smile on my face but I did. Both possess a strong sense of loyalty and compassion, making Virgo and Scorpio a match made in heaven. Once they feel safe they are able to introduce themselves and communicate freely. As a Virgo woman, Id like to say that this compatability post holds truth but needs to add a pound of salt to it. Its helped So many women and men learn how to communicate with a man, influence him to both share and unpack himself, and also get him to listen. Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry Save. BUT SO CAN ANYONE .. so stop all the judgement.. just dont judge another scorpio just because you had a bad one.. you probably did not know how to deal with them at the time and were just very angry and frusterated anyways im done with this for now and i am sticking to everything i said i love everyone so im not pin pointing out anything so say comment or do what ever you want. Virgo And Scorpio's Sexual Compatibility. Wish everyone would write this about them so everyone else can have a much better understanding. Ive had a therapist for 7 years whom I talk to every week, to evolve myself as a man. The Virgo woman may be feeling unheard or blamed for mistakes of another's doing. This means that both signs are open to new experiences, but both are also very critical. I just hope all of you out there with negative experiences know that there are two types of Scorpios: unevolved, and evolved. However, even then, sex is the ultimate forte of these two signs when they are together, and they always do manage to perfect the art of . three and a half years ago (wow has it really been that long?). Things went great we had to sleep together haha just cuddled talked didnt do much. There may be an appointment that the Virgo woman has been egging the Scorpio man to schedule. i am a virgo in the truest since of the word, i have all of the good & bad qualitites of her too, mostly good! Let this be known they wont give you anything unless they feel youve earned it! Meh. The time I took away to grieve (though I believe I will forever be grieving) resulted in a drift between me and the Virgo woman, because I didnt really talk to her (or anyone for that matter) while I grieved. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? Its been 2 years now. I ended up marrying a Taurus man. I am a Taurus guy(27), well I find this post interesting, I also wanna share, I met this Virgo girl 4 years back we are still great friends but somehow I fell in love with this girl, I dont know but all these years I was in Philippines, Jakarta, Dubai, Bahrain and a lot many places I had opportunity to settle down in any of these countries but I came back for her, In all these years only one thing was consistent that is my love for her, I always felt she loved me more than i do, after coming back also we could not meet as her and my job was in different cities so every weekend I used to travel almost 1000 kms just to see her once, sometimes I spend 8-10 hrs. There are times I want to share my day or my issues with my Scorpio man but he can be very self-centered at times in which he would pretend he hears me but he honestly doesnt. A Virgo woman likes to take her time in romantic matters. I see that now. The problem im having is that the timing for us isnt really working out and im starting to lose hope. So now we are in a good space. And he absolutely excels at this. he isnt engaged and its a ploy to keep people out of his business and he like me. When in a relationship you should accept those faults and if need be help that person change them not force them to do it alone. He was completely selfish, self absorbed, and would always make me feel like i didnt matter to him at all. Scorpio Man Obsessed With Scorpio Woman - Zodiac Compatibility Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle Check out these 4 zodiac signs who tend to make a classy exit after a breakup. Im very loyal. But being flawed is part of what makes everyone beautiful! Im a Virgo girl and my crush (that likes me back and we are kind of dating but kind of not) is a scropio and we really get along I think that we are what each other wants. When it comes to marriage, the best match for a Scorpio man is Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn. Can we be hard to handle? another common thing is that they are extremist, obesssive, compulsive and abusive. A less refined scorpio will not understand this an will be his or her own gravedigger with a relationship with a Virgo. Scorpio Woman | - Astrology Zodiac Signs When he is ready to let something go.. then he lets it go completely. We love each other but we just need some time apart.. Csite wait any longer. Not my choice. He said he doesnt feel the same, but I know that he is lying/hiding his true feelings because of little tidbits he has given me. Best to you all :-). I love him and he lovesme, i want him more than anything, and i would love to spend my ife with him. Forget about him, do you want a man like that? That killed my trust, it is one of the few people on this earth to this day that I still dont have any issue with her passing life on and never talking to her again. ZODIAC SIGN. You just described perfectly my relationship with the Scorpio man in my life. Scorpio is a water sign and Virgo is an earth sign. This is a very interesting couple in the domain of sexual activity - one of them hiding their sexuality, and the other acting as sex itself. Just the other day she Virgo told me not to communicate with her Virgo anymore. For three months, there not a single call from him, just a few messages here and there. We dont have to say the words, we just know. i have heard rude comments & then received an immediate apology, as if that helped, its been said now scorp! Hes a scorpio/ saggitarius and Im pisces/aries. its unreal. He fixes my car too he is a mechanic. Virgo Man, Scorpio Woman Compatibility In Love And Life His intuition and passion make the Scorpio man a perfect lover. The union may fail because she likes to experience new things . Aug 30, 2018. It is still your all zodiac signs past just pick yourself all zodiac signs and grow from it. First and find a scorpio man reddit. I can only speak about the Extroverts as I have several friends who are Extroverted Scorps looking to evlove themselves out there Everything in this post is my opinion and I am in no way trying to suggest that Im stating facts., This is for Didi,you can get the information from the birth chart.There r so many of them.You can try the free one at We are the breed that LOVES to lead and loves to serve, it is a dicotomy we struggle with and a constant push/pull. This is a woman whose intentions and inner states are often misunderstood. Relationships and marriages are will not always a bed of roses; they will have good as well as bad days. I scorpio male love cherish yearn desire and want back my Virgo female back in my scorpio arms. Ive been with a Virgo for a short while now but it feels almost unreal. I try to be, but as any Scorpio being truthful about themselves will tell you we have a lot of emotions bubbling around inside, many of which are hard to pinpoint which means next to impossible to understand. Without discussion and respect they will cause fissures and cracks in any relationship. They can share a mutual attraction where Pisceans can appreciate the fiery nature of a Scorpio woman who seeks her anchor in calm Pisces. While the Virgo man is usually a more self-controlled emotional creature, the Scorpio woman has the power to teach the Virgo man many things. Unfortunately, there are women out there who do not find that desirable. Virgo needs to give Scorpio some time to thaw before speaking, but Scorpio really needs to work on remembering that Virgo is a partner here and coldness will only put a problem on ice, rather than solve it. She is also highly loyal and works unselfishly for the good of the ones she loves. Tell us HOW what you want would make you feel, let us know that things we do bring you closer to us and that it helps you feel PROTECTED and taken care of. I wonder if there is any advice you Virgo girls can give me. Henry, I just got out of a relationship with a Virgo women who is supposed to be a lesbian. Hes hard to deal with. oh well, you got what u deserved. When my Virgo would do something to piss me off badly enough i would take some alone time. LOVE, TRUST, RESPECT, and LOYALTY in that order. We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. Most Scorpios are very pure at heart. Because of that I am happy to say that I am benefitting and reaping the rewards of the person hes become. Hes a Scorpio Sun and Moon, which is interesting too. He always calls me in the night or webcams with me on facebook randomly, saying he just wanted to see my beautiful face or hear my voice. i went through his phn b/c i was curious if this PERFECT ACTING PERSON WAS REALLY.. if he is talking to your friend though, there probably isnt much hope. All the same. Are a Scorpio Woman and a Virgo Man Soulmates? either way, as the rest of you virgo women know, I AM A CHAMELEON & STRONG ENOUGH TO SURVIVE!!! He would keep everything from me, his thoughts, his feelings, you never knew what he was thinking, and when i would catch him in lies, he would become verbally abusive and then punish me by not speaking to me for days. As the goodie-two-shoes and the baddie of the zodiac, respectively, you may not . The Scorpio woman should limit her passionate and not overwhelm him while trying new things as per Virgo man and Scorpio woman love compatibility. Then there is the erotic side of the Scorpio man who needs to release his lust and passion in the bedroom. She is a born homemaker with a great imagination and splendid creativity. 13 Virgo is an earth sign, while Scorpio is a water sign. But hanging out a handfull of times wont make me want to go steady with someone. but when u decided to dump a scorp and still loves u, he is going to resent you and love u at the same time. The two work together in nature; water nourishes and earth provides. For those Virgos with negative Scorpio experiences, I am sorry. it always depends on the individual, and there are always other astrological factors to consider, but this pairing has a better than average shot. Although they can always see the potential in others, they can also be overcritical and picky. Scorpio Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Bed Love - GaneshaSpeaks ( money, title on your job, or degree ) A scorpio is a actor they will only show their representative to you, you will never know who you are dealing with I know dated a male scorpio for four years. He is known for his integrity, and makes sure that he lives up to what others expect of him. Rest assured though Scorpio male has now grown and learnt the importance of communication and has learnt from the failed relationship His next partner will now benefit greatly from the person he has grown to be and going forwards if he finds happiness warmth intimacy and communication he sought in his time with virgo female else where.. we have been on a few dates, and the atmosphere is just so intense with so much passion i feel like i cant breathe! be true to your hearts. Virgo and Scorpio are very compatible. She has much respect for him. I shall never trust another crazy intense cry baby and aggressive Scorpio again! We have flaws. Mars in Scorpio Man - Luvze I am currently with a Scorpio man & although Im only 17 & hes almost 18 I truly believe well be together forever & he believes that too. 12. Im learning the importance of communicating how I feel instead of shutting down and putting up a wall like I use to. These failed relationships on here have been the Scorpios fault only. They are very honest. I have to admit ive thought of her everyday and I need help with what you all think I should do? We didnt even remember each other but, my mom worked where his Grandma worked & he says he remembers me running around as a little girl. Nothing can stay the same forever Not because it is not perfect, But because the universe will not stand still you are and always be as close to perfection as the universe allows virgo but u need to allow space for growth and admit ur not perfect or always right. Introverted Non-Evolving- (unwilling to believe he is wrong and doesnt care to hear it). Also, we sometimes like the aggression..try something new with us in the bed. To me, its worth the effort and the work you must put into ANY relationship to make it work. Virgo is the most healthy woman for a Scorpio to be with because she mitigates the worst traits he has naturally, without scheming to change him ( rest assured, his worst fear is being controlled, which is why unevolved scorpios try to beat people to the punch and control them first) . They will CHEAT and LIE to you the entire time you are with them. Blackenedbones 7 mo. When these two work together, they can be a powerful team. She doesnt think the world or the man of her life owes her anything and that makes her self-sufficient. The best time for Virgo and Scorpio to create enough safety and emotion in their sexual encounters, is in the situation where they are each other's first . Virgo ladies, please take heed..if you have a Scorpio man in your life, you have the BEST thing this side of Heaven-literally! Im a handfull. I am not worried about myself but for her what shell do, She seems like a confused girl about her feelings, I am staying here just to make sure that she goes fine as once gone I dont know whether I will ever be back again as I dont want to bring any misunderstanding between her and her boy friend. I apologize. The dark sides of us are easily kept at bay in the following ways Extroverted Non- Evolving (unwilling to believe he is wrong and doesnt care to hear it). now i am angry & i dont have a clue what i really want anymore. In all his relationships especially with his virgo ex wife he lacked happiness, warmth, intimacy, trust, security as well as communication. See, a lot of us Scorpios dont make the connection that the constant emotional flux within and our stoic exterior means were not in control. Scorpio Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Love & Relationships Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Both Virgo and Scorpio are very loyal and love hard! The horoscope gives the Scorpio-Virgo bond a very good love compatibility. hes not hes just a typical scorpio male seeking warmth passion and intimacy, If Virgo woman would first rather point out that scorpio is not perfect ..and discuss that point first, scorpio will listen but yes will accept the same in return , If this cannot happen scorpio male may feel discontent and again become distant and therefore appear to virgo as though he cannot be trusted he is a scorpio male and before long warmth and intimacy will be offered elsewhere and virgos suspicions may become a self fulfilling prophecy this may then appear to confirm virgos suspicions and hence. From the start it was ruined beacause he needed more! He drives me crazy. you know what im a virgo woman and i have talked to a scorpio male for like a year and a couple months we are not together but i do like him alot but he has a girlfriend the reason we are not together is because he play to many head games he dont share his feelings at all with me theres no reason to be with him because if he cheating on his girl that he says he love with me then he would cheat on me and im not going down like that my thing is i just cant let him go we stopped talking for like 3 months but that didnt work cause he came right back to me so i could never be in a relationship with a scorpio because they are all the same smh!!!!! We are passionate men, very much extreme, always wanting to be more than what is expected or needed by the woman who we are clear loves us. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and her health had been declining. But they always know how they feel about each other and it is just hard for them to open up until they feel safe in each others arms. Just a day ago her exs mother passed away in a car accident at 48. Not all scorpio men are bad, they have good intentions its just the way they express themselves and dont mean harm. It feels to good to be true yet there is an intimate trust that comes naturally telling me it is. Another Scorpio is best friends with my Aries ex. But im not going to give up on all Virgos because of her. Likewise, Scorpio would prefer to slowly get to know someone. I guess its all a part of learning as a couple. Since weve gained mutual friends so I was able to get to know her without coming on too strong. Its not something malicious, its as natural as breathing to us, and the only logical way to make sure were getting a fair shake. I will never go out with another. Im a Scorpio man with a hopeless crush on an amazing Virgo women as well. Virgo Man /scorpio Woman: Anyone Had Experience With This. DXPNET. As for I gave it all to our Almighty God, that we will continue love each other:). But no, you simply vouch for your mishap & move past it, expecting others to forgive you instantly! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee help. The Taurus man and the Virgo woman make the perfect romantic pair. I find it highly peculiar that any Scorpio make worth his salt would degrade himself so much to shower any woman with gifts and affections of love when he has only just started to get to know her. He lets you be totally sexually expressed while feeling fully respected. Ok, reading through this i have seen some relationships fail and some flourish. Ive been a guarded individual throughout the majority of my life thus far, because in the majority of my relationships Ive been burned. And, this is a great place to be. A month passed like this but there was no change. I love him so much. Were both Truly Loyal. I scorpio got her virgo many gifts even sent her Virgo money while she Virgo was on these trips. And i loved it all. Im not an easy person to deal with, hes an even harder person to deal with. Then he wants to break up or give me the silent treatment for weeks. I carried on with the new guy and really was trying to avoid him at all cost. . One part of him looks upon the union between man and woman as a mystical experience, a holy thing. If the Virgo woman can create a peaceful environment and the Scorpio man can maintain it, this couple will go far both in love and understanding. He is smart, outgoing , loyal , protective and does almost anything i ask him to do with a little push. We talk for hours over the phone, its like he really knows and understands me. Learn some f**king humility, get over yourself, and go SLOW! Yea it was in an argument but still all I scorpio have been trying to do is love her Virgo and have her stop running. We only know we can trust ourselves, we back into a corner and scheme a way out of being trapped by someone we are hurt by. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. We both have messed up, he blames me for all the events that rooted from one problem and I have to remind him that his choices and the consequences of those choices are what got him to his current point. & he distanced himself, it is not our nature to CHASE or beg to be treated as we should be or as you have been! @jamie- I am totally agree wid u and every single word is correct.I felt that u r narrating ma story. I couldnt get rid of him! Coworkers tell me he looks at me when he sees me and he looks as if he was so sad for the past few days. an emotionally strong enough to experience with scorpio man can be taken lightly. Sagittarius and that can be mistaken to completely satisfy her. He told me he was waiting outside my house inside his car like around 3am.. I havent commented on this for a while, but congratulations on your relationship to your Scorpio mate but I had to let my Scorpio mate go for the new yearWe had and will always have a connection but he has ways with him that he refuses to change. However he does have some typical scorpio traits. He DID notice that the inflection in your voice being condescending, no matter how subtle you might think it was. Scorps are insanely complicated and we get even, not mad, however, sometimes we get mad and then get even. I even notice that now he is finally listening and realizing when hes not being attentive. You literally just said everything I was thinking trying to put it into words I am also with a Scorpio. He is usually success hungry, and takes short, calculated and precise steps to reach the desired destination. Stop over analyzing the situation and put EVERYTHING on the table. Remember for a virgo Nd a work..there has to BE TRUST & COMMUNICATION. Scorpio & Virgo | ScorpioMystique This post reflects quite accurately my own experience with my Scorpio. She did eventually text me (Im not going to lie) but by the time she did I had already deleted her number and had to ask who it was that texted me. I love my Scorpio guy very much, but his attention seems to be waning. is worth the work and the wait (in my case). He quiets the chaos and the entire world slips away and burns brighter at the same time. Virgo is cautious and reserved, while Scorpio is more outgoing and confident. Answer (1 of 5): generally speaking, Virgo and Scorpio are a good match. We all zodiac signs have a past either good bad or indifferent. I was given a wrong number by my mate and I didnt get to contact her for 2 months, we hooked up again at hers went back to my mates and had to crash there and things led on we stayed up till 5am talking about anything and everything, got it on and she gave me her number. Oh yea. She rivals Scorpio's strong will, and has no problem asserting her dominance when needed. IF both Signs are just up front..plain & simple.. a lot of time could be saved. I simply apologized I wasnt good enough and that Im happy she is being taken care of by another man). I am virgo woman.. ago. Im a scorpio man too and i looking for a virgo in my life. All in all we all have faults. I let her run to his support without a fight for obvious reasons. You never find a Scorpio in a grey zone, he is good, or evil, and nothing in between.
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