I. Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables. Is there a phobia for the fear of shirt tags, or labels on fabrics like blankets or towels? Doing this on your own can be quite a challenge, but working with someone who deals in changing irrational fears can beneficial. Plutophobia Fear of wealth.. It would be easier to explain to people if it was an actual phobia rather than people just thinking Im odd (more odd! Yes that is possible. 6 Absurd Phobias (And The People Who Actually Have Them) Sitophobia or Sitiophobia Fear of food or eating. Ereuthrophobia Fear of blushing. It also includes the fear that your other senses arent able to detect things either, particularly hearing. From . That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. You want to work with someone one to help you get through this. Pneumatiphobia Fear of spirits. I really worry about forgetting these things but I do remember everything that I pay attention like my work etc.. Is this some kind oh phobia ? I have a fear that constantly plagues me of opening my eyes and something being there that wasnt there before. Liz, dont get hung up on finding a name for your fear, since the mind can create fears for almost anything. I am also guessing you have a very active imagination, which does not always serve you well. When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. Jade told Digital Spy. Has your phobia improved, and if so, how? Ive been dealing with someone giving romantic advances and I am not able to handle this affection. The question is not if these exist or do you have them, it is what will you do to work through them. Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease. These names themselves are often formed by taking a Greek prefix that represents the fear object and adding the -phobia suffix. Phengophobia Fear of daylight or sunshine. Celebrities in South Africa who were born in . 26 Surprising Celebrity Phobias That Famous People Suffer From Others have numerous obsessions or compulsions. If you are asking for the name of such a fear, find the Greek origin and add phobia. Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Winfrey attributes it to her grandmother's habit of lining up pieces of chewed gum in a cabinet. Eurotophobia Fear of female genitalia. What are you afraid of? That can be a very difficult place to be. This post was really helpful, I just wanted to know if there was a name or phobia for like fear of being stupid. I dont know what its called, but I definitely have is as a phobia. Madonna is supposedly very scared of thunderstorms. Mechanophobia Fear of machines. And second, how about fear of grass touching your feet (especially when wearing sandals, but anytime really), Jeremiah, thanks for your question. Aaron is unashamed to be a native Clevelander and the proud driver of a Hyundai Veloster Turbo (which recently replaced his 1995 Saturn SC-2). Scatophobia- Fear of fecal matter. Theophobia- the irrational fear of. I have that too. Drinking out of glass, cup or bottle the thought of the glass touching my lips makes my skin crawl. your hand? Your email address will not be published. Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia. Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. Many phobias are not difficult to overcome, some take a bit more work and as previously mentioned, others are not really phobias. My mother hate old stuffs of the house and throw them out into the waste even numerous times she discards useful things. This sounds as if you dont trust your ability to deal with loss or hurt, which could exist for numerous reasons. I get grossed out and starts to panic when I touch my collarbone or feel my ribs. ! Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched. I doubt you will ever be the type of person to intentionally go out to hurt someone, so that probably will never be an issue for you. Someone with agoraphobia is afraid of being trapped in a public place or a place like a bridge or a line at the bank. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia Fear of hair. This is a very vague question. On a more positive note, I used to have a terrible fear of the dark and couldnt sleep without the light on. Some people are happy but just cant recognize it. Carnophobia Fear of meat. Oprah Winfrey has a fear of gum, aka "chiclephobia." Professionals dont need the label other than for dealing with insurance companies. Oprah was so profoundly sickened by this that she has banned the chewing of gum in her studio. What is the fear of everything being fake? Hello! I have not found a word for it yet. Cynophobia Fear of dogs or rabies. is there anything that can describe this? Like when you break them, just the thought of it gives me boosebumps. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women. In addition to this, I feel the same amount of discomfort when watching other people touch, even if its just a casual knock of the hands when walking past each other. Unless you count John Wayne Gacy and his 31 brutal rapes and murders. I do not have enough info to give you any pertinent advice, I often feel nauseous when I travel in a car and feel scared and panicky. Not only on me, but on others too. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. Odontophobia Fear of teeth or dental surgery. More than likely they will just label it as fear of commitment. The psychological term for fear of the unknown is "xenophobia.". Panophobia or Pantophobia Fear of everything. Agoraphobia, a fear of places or situations that trigger fear or helplessness, is singled out as a particularly common fear with its own unique diagnosis. Gerontophobia Fear of old people or of growing old. Hi. Privacy Policy. In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. Noctiphobia Fear of the night. I find it hard to believe that with how specific some of these are, there is no phobia where the person is scared to have the doors around them unlocked and must lock them after every time they are used. Chemophobia Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals. Presumably, their concerts were strictly dance-free. Pharmacophobia Fear of taking medicine. Could you give me a few ways to deal with this without getting professional help. The best I can research up to is of a symptom of FOH, Fear of harm. You know has an adult he gets to make his own choices and this is troubling for those who love him because his model of how the world should operate is not in alignment with how it really does operate. The awareness levels are much higher than your processing capability, then you can have issues if so, I would really love to know. Without knowing more, my guess is you take an all or nothing approach to relationships. Fear of failure Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! Apiphobia Fear of bees. The famous director was afraid of eggs ("ovophobia") and once told a reporter "have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid?" What curse was placed on the O'Brien family that would give them a son with a webbed foot? I dont like when my hands get wet. Achilles was impenetrable except for his heel which was his only weakness and it led to his demise. Perversely I have no issue with dry tea leaves, I can hold these and let them cascade through my fingers, even like the sensation and the smell. Orthophobia Fear of property. It is believed that many famous personalities including singer-actor Barbra Streisand, beauty Marilyn Monroe and actor Sir Lawrence Olivier gave amazing performances on stage despite being terrified at the thought of speaking before the masses. Ostraconophobia Fear of shellfish. Ive been looking for an answer for this one for a while now. You dont need a name for something to work with one. National Institute of Mental Health. However not all fears are phobias. What is the name of this phobia? Erin, that these picture bring up strong emotional responses in you that are not fear, euggests something else is going on. To avoid such feelings, people with phobias may avoid any situation where they might potentially encounter the source of their fear. You see, there are all sorts of reasons people are not happy. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. Ophthalmophobia Fear of being stared at. Um, hi, Im Alyssa, and I was wondering what the fear of imperfection is called? Its not like fear of the unknown though, because if I can see something but I dont know what it is I am fine,and its not fear of the dark because if I have a place memorized it doesnt matter if I cant see thing I know they are there so I am fine. Famous Eisoptrophobes: it doesnt matter if its a family member a boyfriend or just a friend. If this is an on going issue for you, then you may want to get checked for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. For instance, did you know there's staurophobia (fear of crosses), chionophobia (fear of snow), dishabiliophobia (fear of undressing in front of someone), gnosiophobia (fear of knowledge), or even lutraphobia (fear of otters)? 2) Surgeons fear of operating. Not in a car, like when you were little and someone would pick you up. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. Geliophobia Fear of laughter. Some are misinterpreted, such as fear of germs or fear of God often tie into OCD. Salute to Charli also! The actress also reportedly has a fear of being buried alive, so no wonder she's afraid of graveyards. Please see About Phobias for more information. Sarra, there may or may not be a name for this fear. Is medication the best way to overcome a phobia? The reaction is so severe that even seeing photos of holes can set off a panic attack. Im not sure if I can describe it to you correctly, but I think I have this fear because Ive broken my arm and leg a few times. Reportedly in his High School Musical days, Zac Efron had a fear of stripping in front of an audience With a bod like that we find this impossible to believe. Is there a phobia for fearing not being able to contact people? Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill. I forgot about it when years later I came back to jog with my friend this year and I saw the cracks and a huge wave of tension came to the side of my neck and the back of my neck. Most therapists dont get hung up on labeling clients, I have a fear of the sound it makes when you cut skin and I can not find the name for it anywhere, Not sure you will find a name for this. Heterophobia Fear of the opposite sex. While you may have fears regarding your memory, I dont think this is the real issue. Call866-718-9995. Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. Worst Case Scenario: Claustrophobia can be triggered by things like: being locked in a windowless. 3. it has left me with scars soooo severe and gory it would make you tremble in your pantyhose! do whatever they ask so they can get off my back. Hope that helps. Hedonophobia Fear of feeling pleasure. I have a unique phobia called altocelarophobia, the fear of high Im not scared of razors but I can go numb and worse if Im getting hurt with it (not because of the pain but just the act). I dont know why, I just get AFRAID with the idea of someone/something with a whole story and personality being made up. Its quite common; Id say normal and usual. Lisa, I believe your fear is real, but I do not know what it is called. I am a female. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, terrified that I'll see someone I'm a fan of out in public. Is there any certain phobia of looking at faucets up close???? Medomalacuphobia Fear of losing an erection. when I notice my 5 year old daughter going up or down the stairs I will always tell her to hold on to the handrail and I will stop anything I was doing and listen to her going up the stairs. Is there a name for it? If so, is there a name for it? Add the idea of being a "celebrity" into the mix, and you end up with some genuine insanity. I hate it. Asymmetriphobia Fear of asymmetrical things. Macrophobia Fear of long waits. I dont know if its considered as a phobia or a trauma Can you help me with this if whats gonna be this fear. A visit to Disneyland earlier this year was a bit of a struggle for easily scared Jade. Theologicophobia Fear of theology. Acarophobia Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. In the dream, I had an older sister (which is why I think the dream was from my sisters point of view) and my older sister was just staring at them and saying something really, really quietly. You have some emotionally based misunderstanding of how you fit into the world, your self esteem is low or you overly get attached to others once they get close to you, probably a little bit of all. Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. If I got motion sickness every time I traveled in a car, I wouldnt be looking forward to it either. I have been to one of the best EMDR therapists for PTSD and trauma, of course for the PTSD and trauma, but I had developed agoraphobia along with it. Katsaridaphobia Fear of cockroaches. Ive tried searching it up but there doesnt seem to be a specific term. Dipsophobia Fear of drinking. It just seems messed up to think that this hasnt been thought of or addressed as its own phobia. What's Taylor Swift afraid of? To the chiclephobe, gum is a menace that can easily nestle into any crevice, laying in wait for your guard to drop. Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? If you want to know if there is a specific name for this fear, there may be, but not one I am aware of. Dylan, I am not familiar with what this would be called. [1] Similar phobias include erythrophobia, the fear of blushing, and an epileptic 's fear of being looked at, which may itself precipitate such an attack. We note that there are many photos available of Ms. Ricci in or near a pool. Acrophobia Fear of heights. I wouldnt get too hung up on finding a name for it, but if you want to name the fear of infestation, just look up the words greek or latin derivitive and add phobia behind it. Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Hoarding. Living in Ireland and the UK within a society where everyone accepts this as a cultural norm and can often take offense or think you are weird if you decline, the thought of drinking or smelling a cup of tea or being splashed with tea or having to mop up spilled tea is my unusual and for me terrifying phobia. I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. Sorry dont know a name for this and the name is not going to help you change how you feel. Limnophobia Fear of lakes. Winfrey has reportedly banned gum from the offices of Harpo Studios. What is the fear of celebrities called? : r/Phobia I suggest you talk to someone about this who can help you unravel what is behind this fear. right okay so last night I had the SCARIEST dream of my life. The names of specific phobias are often formed as nonce words, or words coined for a single occasion only. Achluophobia Fear of darkness. 'Anyone who knows me knows that I have really bad trypophobia". Everytime I watch a movie or see real life events that show breaking someones bones I feel really strange. Id immediately start walking faster to get away from it as fast as I could or get into a building before it got too close, I wouldnt stop trying to get away until it was out of sight. Probably, but if you are looking to place a name on it, we dont have it hear. Is there a fear of being watched while youre sleeping ? Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Demi confessed to having been stuck in 3 different elevators. Names may matter for insurance companies, but plenty of people get help for less than common issues. Surely with all her stage pyros, Britters would be used to spectacular flashes and loud bangs. Spiders, flying, small spaces - it's all common things to have a phobia off and we are not alone. Epistemophobia Fear of knowledge. The names are more important for billing insurance companies than helping people change. Anyone can name a phobia, simply by taking the Greek or Latin word you are looking for and adding phobia behind it. Are there any celebrities that have scopophobia? A germ phobia more often than not is OCD, fear of confrontation may be social phobia, may an identity issue, it may mean you will only feel good about answering questions about yourself until you have really accomplished something really big, meaning it is not a phobia, rather you hold your own perspective or importance in a way that is not quite working for you. Ranidaphobia Fear of frogs. Like Undertale not being real, or waking up from a dream and knowing it wasnt real. . Considering youre the most recent comment i can find, i was wondering if maybe you know the fear of ones ear being stabbed, or something entering ones ear thats sharp. The Little Mix singer said she is afraid of "everything; clowns, heights, spiders, everything". I have a fear of people talking too fast or too slow or too loud because of a recurring dream since I was 4/5 years old. Oh god, when I was younger I used to be super scared that Id get sucked up into them. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words. A few times, a long time ago I was with a group at one lake or another and they were hunting crawdads by shoving their hands down crawdad holes and grabbing them with their bare hands and I refused to do so cause at the time I guess you can say I was afraid the pinch of their claws would hurt. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. Some time ago It was so bad that I used to have a panic attack watching the sun set due to the fear of the night. Tocophobia Fear of pregnancy or childbirth. Would you believe it's just an innocent sea creature? Is therea name for fear of being given romantic affection? (Please mention the phobia name as well. Anyway, I have the hardest time talking to people about how I feel. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? According to a memoir by his son Jean Renoir, the French painter Auguste Renoir repeatedly expressed a fear of being buried alive. She accidentally stuck the metal hook in my ear when she went to pull some hair through the hair net and i started crying it was like a panic attack. Fear that someone you know from the past is coming back into your life, is still in your thoughts, is not OK, etc? Who knows what could lurk beneath? Johnny Depp played The Mad Hatter who looked like a Clown so I dont buy it unless it was Therapy. I checked to see if it was anywhere else and I found my wall looking like mold. Getting a label for your situation will probably have you doing lots of research on the disorder, which you hope will help you in finding a way to cope with it, but in reality will probably do very little in making you feel better or changing your situation. Many phobias are a bit more complex, such as fear of germs, which often is OCD. (Bacillophobia) Parturiphobia Fear of childbirth. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. (I need it for a story Im writing, its really important for the story line). Or is it only personal questions or questions about what you may know? A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises. I rather fall flat on my face, have a broken nose and teeth than breaking my fingers. Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners. A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. Chirophobia Fear of hands. One of the challenges of naming something is the labels are too often incorrect. Brit freaks out mid-audition from an odd power surge on stage. Maybe. Nudophobia Fear of nudity. Everything that looks like any type of net. I dont really know what happened but as long as I can have that nightmare Im always afraid for the possibilities that might one day it could be forever. As scary and real as this may seem to you, these types of fears can be released. Gnosiophobia Fear of knowledge. Fear is an emotion and emotions do not need to be logical, therefor any irrational thought process can attach itself to an emotion, i would really want to know what the fear of WET GRASS is called( * shudders*), All phobias take the Latin or Greek word as there base. Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness. Optophobia Fear of opening ones eyes. I also would not just go to your Doctor to get anxiety medications; you actually want to speak with someone in depth about this. You may want to work with a professional on this if it becomes intense, Hey there! Because there are an infinite variations of fears or phobias, there are plenty of fears that are unique or expressed in unique ways. Isopterophobia Fear of termites, insects that eat wood. I always want all the doors closed to my house, including rooms and toilets. > Kylie Jenner Faced One Of Her Biggest Fears & We Legit Can't Stop Watching Her Squirm. I have a pathological fear of celebrities. The 'Steal My Girl' singer reportedly had a panic attack at an LA theme park when faced with boarding one of the rides. You want to talk to someone to see if it makes sense or if there are better alternatives to try first. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. I trust the discomfort you experience feels very real to you. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. Teratophobia Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Not failure. Maybe someone else know this. Anyone can have a fear of anything. help a gal out! Whats the fear of things getting too loud to fast? A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving fear of a situation or object. the fear of numbness, or emptiness. I also really dont like toes, the same reason as fingers. Charli D'Amelio Wants to Slime Boyfriend Landon Barker at 2023 Kids do. Many times they fall under the heading of other issues or just life events. 35 Celebrities That Suffer From Bizarre Phobias - Pens & Patron I get so terrified that someone will leave me. Hi. Because the nervous system can associate fears to anything (real or made up) it would not be possible to have all fears, because many are unique to a very small group of people. Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Fear when people care about me . But you do have points of view you want to express and any point of view could be viewed as hostile by someone from some perspective. I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. Its coming down!, she continued. Amathophobia Fear of dust. Not that I know of doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
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